Welcome to this PG level subject.
Logistics of Grading
- End Semester: 50
- Mid Semester: 30
- Class Tests: 10
- Homework, Class Participation: 10
Course Content (Tentative)
Here is a basic overview of the topics that are planned to be covered.
- Background (1 week)
- Convex Sets and Convex Functions (2 weeks)
- Convex Optimization Problems (1 week)
- Lagrangian Duality (1 week)
- Necessary and Sufficient Optimality Conditions (1 week)
- Regression, Classification and Clustering Problems (1 week)
- ML Estimation, Hypothesis Testing, Optimal Detection (1 week)
- Algorithms for Convex Optimization, First Order Methods, Primal-Dual Algorithms, ADMM (2 weeks)
- LMIs and SDP Duality (1 week)
- Application of LMIs in Linear Control (1 week)
- Constrained Optimal Control, MPC, Application in System Identification (1 week)
- Week 1 and 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Week 6
Homework Sheets
- Homework 1
- Homework 2
Class Tests
- Class Tests 1 and 2
Software Packages
There are several dedicated environments that enable us to easily encode and solve convex optimization problems. We will demonstrate some examples in class using YALMIP.
- Casadi.
- JuliaOPT.
There is no single textbook for this subject. We will discuss a variety of topics from different books. The first reference will be followed to a large extent. You are encouraged to refer the other texts below depending on your interests.
- Optimization Models by G.C. Calafiore and L. El Ghaoui.
- Convex Optimization (freely available to download) by Boyd and Vandenberghe.
- Algorithms for Convex Optimization by Nisheeth K. Vishnoi.
- Potential function approach to proving convergence results.
- Optimization III: Convex and Nonlinear Programming by Ben-Tal and Nemirovski. Lecture Notes.