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Pattern Recognition, Medical Imaging, Machine Intelligence, Computer Vision Hamid R. Tizhoosh
Faculty of Engineering
University of Waterloo

Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision,
Medical Imaging, Machine Intelligence
Hamid R. Tizhoosh
Computer Vision
Machine Intelligence
Data Structures
SD750 - OBL
Pattern Recoginition
Computer Vision
Machine Intelligence
Terahertz Imaging
Health Engineering
Opposition-Based Learning
Current Students
Former Students
Prostate Cancer
Breast Cancer
Radiation Therapy
Other Projects
Books & Chapters
Reports etc.
University of Waterloo :: Faculty of Engineering :: Systems Design

Affiliations …
OBL: Opposition-Based Learning Group

OBL Research Group focuses on potentials of concept of opposition in machine intelligence. The group consists of several members each working on a different aspect of OBL.

Opposition-based learning (OBL) is a new scheme for machine learning, search and optimization, which uses opposite values, counter-estimates, opposite weights, anti-chromosomes and opposites states and actions in order to accelerate existing methodologies such as neural networks, reinforcement learning, evolutionary algorithms and swarm-based methods.

Opposition-Based Learning Group

The underlying ideal of OBL is quite simple: Whenever we are guessing we should look at the opposite guess as well. By doing this, either the guess or the opposite guess possesses lower error, is fitter, or receives more reward; The learning, search or optimization will then continue with the better one, either with guess or with opposite guess.


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OBL Members

Hamid R. Tizhoosh
Maryam Shokri
Mario Ventresca
Shahryar Rahnamayan
Farhang Sahba
Alice Malisia
Pegah Ensafi

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