Students …
Former Students
Arvancheh, Ehsan M. (2006), MASc
A study of Segmentation and Normalization for Iris Recognition Systems
Yonghong, Long, Visiting Scholar
Zhuzhou Institute of Technologu, China
(2006) :: Image Segmentation
Singh, Raymon (2005), MASc [with Dr. Eliasmith]
Neural Nets
Rebman, Rene, Visiting Scholar
University of Magdeburg,
Germany (2003-2004) :: Neural Nets
Kim, Seong Ho (2003), MASc [with Dr. Kamel]
Template Matching
Song, Jialin (2003), MASc
Fuzzy Anisotropic Diffusion
Shokri, Maryam (2004), MASc
Reinforcement Learning
Taylor, Graham (2004), MASc
Neural Nets & Reinforcement Learning
Jobanputra, Rishi (2004), MASc [with Dr. Clausi]
SAR Imaging, Image Segmentation
Karen Kan, URA
Fall 2005 :: Image Similarity Measures
Monish Gandhi, URA
Winter 2005 :: Solving Non-Linear Equations
Yukari Enomoto, URA
Winter 2002 :: Fuzzy Morphology
Maryam Kamgarpour, URA
Winter 2002 :: Type II Fuzzy Sets
Dennis Lam, URA
Winter 2002 :: Fuzzy Geometry
Lesley Yu, URA
Winter 2003 :: Genetic Algorithms
Kenneth Law, URA
Winter 2003 :: TD Reinforcement Learning
Sana Wasim, Co-op
Winter 2002 :: Translation & LaTex
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Student: Graham Taylor |
Current Status: Ph.D. student in the Department
of Computer Science at the University of Toronto
Background: Graham grew up in London, Ontario,
attending Masonville Public School and London Central Secondary
School. In 1998, he began a Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours,
Co-op) in the Department of Systems Design Engineering, University
of Waterloo.
He completed his 3A term while on exchange at the University
of Technology, Sydney.
Graham received his Bachelor's degree on June 14, 2003 and
entered the Combined Bachelor's/Master's program in 3rd year
and began his graduate work concurrently with undergraduate
Graham's Website
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