Working Papers
- A. R. Hota, A. Satapathi, U. Maitra, "Bayesian Persuasion for Containing SIS Epidemic with Asymptomatic Infection", Submitted, 2023. [Preprint]
- C. H. Leung, A. R. Hota and P. E. Paré, "Online Identification of Time-Varying Systems Using Excitation Sets and Change Point Detection", Submitted, 2024. [Preprint]
- A. Satapathi and A. R. Hota, "Game-Theoretic Protection Adoption Against Networked SIS Epidemics", Submitted, 2024. [Preprint]
- K. Rahaman, S. Kumari and A. R. Hota, "Distributionally Robust Safe Motion Planning with Contextual Information", Submitted, 2024.
Journal Papers
- A. Mallick, A. Mondal, A. R. Hota, D. Kastha and P. Bajpai, "Hybrid Model Predictive Control Framework for Efficient Operation of a Five-port Converter Interfaced DC Microgrid," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, To appear, 2025.
- S. Kumari, A. R. Hota, S. Mukhopadhyay, "Data-Driven Robust Optimization for Energy-Aware Safe Motion Planning of Electric Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, To appear, 2025.
- S. Maity, A. Majumdar, R. Roy, A. R. Hota, S. Dey, "Harnessing Machine Learning in Dynamic Thermal Management in Embedded CPU-GPU Platforms," ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol. 30 (2), pages: 19:1-19:32, 2025.
- U. Maitra, A. R. Hota and P. E. Paré, "Optimal Bayesian Persuasion for Containing SIS Epidemics," IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 8, pages: 2499 - 2504, 2024. [Preprint]
- A. Mallick, A. Mishra, A. R. Hota and P. Bajpai, "Distributed Coordination of Multi-Microgrids in Active Distribution Networks for Provisioning Ancillary Services," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 18, no. 3, pages: 1492 - 1503, 2024. [Preprint]
- M. Baranwal, P. Budhraja, V. Raj and A. R. Hota, "Generalized Gradient Flows with Provable Fixed-Time Convergence and Fast Evasion of Non-Degenerate Saddle Points," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 69, no. 2, pages: 2281 - 2293, 2024. [Preprint]
- A. Satapathi, N. K. Dhar, A. R. Hota and V. Srivastava, "Coupled Evolutionary Behavioral and Disease Dynamics under Reinfection Risk," IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 11, no. 2, pages: 795 - 807, 2024. [Preprint]
- A. R. Hota, U. Maitra, E. Elokda and S. Bolognani, "Learning to mitigate epidemic risks: A dynamic population game approach," Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. 13, pages: 1106 - 1129, 2023.
- U. Maitra, A. R. Hota and V. Srivastava, "SIS Epidemic Propagation under Strategic Non-myopic Protection: A Dynamic Population Game Approach," IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pages: 1578-1583, 2023. Presented at CDC 2023.
- A. R. Hota, T. Sneh and K. Gupta, "Impacts of Game-Theoretic Activation on Epidemic Spread over Dynamical Networks," SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 60, no. 2, pages: S92-S118, 2022. [Preprint]
- A. R. Hota, J. Godbole and P. E. Paré, "A Closed-Loop Framework for Inference, Prediction and Control of SIR Epidemics on Networks," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 3, pages: 2262 - 2278, 2021, (Presented at NetEcon 2020). [Preprint]
- A. R. Hota and S. Sundaram, "Controlling Human Utilization of Failure-Prone Systems via Taxes," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, no. 12, pages: 5772 - 5787, 2021. [Preprint]
- A. Cherukuri and A. R. Hota, "Consistency of Distributionally Robust Risk- and Chance-Constrained Optimization under Wasserstein Ambiguity Sets," IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 5, no. 5, pages: 1729 - 1734, 2021 (Presented at ACC 2021).
- B. K. Poolla, A. R. Hota, S. Bolognani, D. Callaway and A. Cherukuri, "Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Look-Ahead Economic Dispatch," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 3, pages: 2010 - 2022, 2021. [Preprint]
- H. Sreekumaran, A. R. Hota, A. L. Liu, N. A. Uhan, S. Sundaram, "Equilibrium Strategies for Multiple Interdictors on a Common Network," European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 288, no. 2, pages: 523 - 538, 2021. [Preprint]
- M. Abdallah, P. Naghizadeh, A. R. Hota, T. Cason, S. Bagchi and Shreyas Sundaram, "Behavioral and Game-Theoretic Security Investments in Interdependent Systems Modeled by Attack Graphs," IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 7, no. 4, pages: 1585 - 1596, 2020. [Preprint]
- A. R. Hota and S. Sundaram, "Game-Theoretic Vaccination Against Networked SIS Epidemics and Impacts of Human Decision-Makers," IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 6, no. 4, pages 1461-1472, 2019. [Preprint]
- A. R. Hota and S. Sundaram, "Interdependent Security Games on Networks under Behavioral Probability Weighting," IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 5, no. 1, pages 262-273, 2018. [Preprint]
- A. R. Hota, S. Garg and S. Sundaram, "Fragility of the Commons under Prospect-Theoretic Risk Attitudes." Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 98, pages 134-165, 2016. [Preprint]
- A. R. Hota, H. Honnappa and S. Sundaram, "The Superposition-Traffic Game." ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, vol. 44, no. 3, pages 22-25, 2017. (Extended Abstract, Presented at NetEcon 2016)
Conference Papers
- D. H. Mangalindan, A. R. Hota and V. Srivastava, "On Logit Dynamics for Multiplayer Trust Game," American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, Colorado, USA, 2025.
- D. Patra and A. R. Hota, "3D Cooperative Pursuit with Guaranteed Enclosure via Robust Model Predictive Control," American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, Colorado, USA, 2025.
- A. Mishra, A. Mallick, A. R. Hota, D. Pullaguram, P. Bajpai, "A Transactive Energy Framework for Real-Time Primary Frequency Support by Active Distribution Networks," 2024 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, Bangalore, 2024.
- D. Patra, S. Kumari and A. R. Hota, "Model Predictive Control based Target Defense with Attacker Trajectory Prediction," European Control Conference (ECC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2024.
- L. Romao, A. R. Hota and A. Abate, "Distributionally Robust Optimal and Safe Control of Stochastic Systems via Kernel Conditional Mean Embedding." 2023 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Singapore, 2023. [Preprint]
- C. H. Leung, W. Ebenzeraj, A. R. Hota and P. E. Paré, "Adaptive Identification of SIS Models." 9th Indian Control Conference (ICC), Visakhapatnam, India, 2023. [Preprint]
- A. Navsalkar and A. R. Hota, "Data-Driven Risk-sensitive Model Predictive Control for Safe Navigation in Multi-Robot Systems." 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, England, 2023. [Preprint]
- S. Kumari, S. Ghosh, A. R. Hota, and S. Mukhopadhyay, "Energy Consumption of Electric Vehicles: Effect of Lateral Dynamics." 2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Florence, Italy, 2023.
- D. Patra, P. Halder, M. Roy, S. Ghosh, A. R. Hota, and S. Mukhopadhyay, "Trajectory Prediction under Sensor Bias Fault in a Tactical Aerial Vehicle." 2023 3rd International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT), Balasore, India, 2023.
- A. K. Cherukuri, A. Zolanvari, G. Banjac, and A. R. Hota, "Data-driven distributionally robust optimization over a network via distributed semi-infinite programming." 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, 2022. [Preprint]
- S. Maity, R. Roy, A. Majumder, S. Dey, A. R. Hota, "Future aware Dynamic Thermal Management in CPU-GPU Embedded Platforms." 43rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Houston, USA, 2022.
- M. Baranwal, P. Budhraja, K. Garg and A. R. Hota, "Breaking the Convergence Barrier: Optimization via Fixed-Time Convergent Flows." Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Vancouver, Canada, 2022. [Preprint]
- A. Satapathi, N. K. Dhar, A. R. Hota, V. Srivastava, "Epidemic Propagation under Evolutionary Behavioral Dynamics: Stability and Bifurcation Analysis." American Control Conference (ACC), 2022. [Preprint]
- E. Elokda, S. Bolognani and A. R. Hota, "A Dynamic Population Model of Strategic Interaction and Migration under Epidemic Risk." IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, TX, USA, 2021. [Preprint]
- A. Mallick, D. V. Tekumalla, A. R. Hota, P. Bajpai, "Model Predictive Control Based Economic Operation of Grid-connected DC Microgrid System." 9th International Conference on Power Systems, 2021.
- A. R. Hota and K. Gupta, "A Generalized SIS Epidemic Model on Temporal Networks with Asymptomatic Carriers and Comments on Decay Ratio." American Control Conference (ACC), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2021. [Preprint]
- J. Dietrich, A. R. Hota, and A. Cherukuri, "Data-Driven Regret Minimization in Routing Games under Uncertainty." European Control Conference (ECC), Naples, Italy, 2019.
- A. R. Hota, A. Cherukuri and J. Lygeros, "Data-Driven Chance Constrained Optimization under Wasserstein Ambiguity Sets." American Control Conference (ACC), Philiadelphia, PA, USA, 2019. [Preprint]
- M. Schuette, A. R. Hota, A. Eichler and J. Lygeros, "Dynamic Mechanism Design for Human-in-the-Loop Control of Building Energy Consumption." American Control Conference (ACC), Philiadelphia, PA, USA, 2019.
- M. Abdallah, P. Naghizadeh, A. R. Hota, T. Cason, S. Bagchi and S. Sundaram, "The Impacts of Behavioral Probability Weighting on Security Investments in Interdependent Systems." American Control Conference (ACC), Philiadelphia, PA, USA, 2019.
- A. R. Hota and S. Sundaram, "Game-Theoretic Protection Against Networked SIS Epidemics by Human Decision-Makers." 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems (CPHS), Miami, FL, USA, 2018.
- A. R. Hota and S. Sundaram, "Controlling Human Utilization of Shared Resources Via Taxes." Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2016.
- A. R. Hota, A. Clements, S. Sundaram and S. Bagchi, "Optimal and Game-Theoretic Deployment of Security Investments in Interdependent Assets." Proceedings of GameSec, the 7th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, New York City, NY, USA, 2016.
- A. R. Hota and S. Sundaram, "Optimal Network Topologies for Mitigating Epidemic and Security Risks." Proceedings of the 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Allerton, IL, USA, 2016.
- A. R. Hota and S. Sundaram, "Interdependent Security Games under Behavioral Probability Weighting." Proceedings of GameSec, the 6th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, London, England, 2015.
- A. R. Hota, S. Garg and S. Sundaram, "Resource Sharing Games with Failures and Heterogeneous Risk Attitudes." Proceedings of the 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Allerton, IL, USA, 2013.
- B. Doerr, A. R. Hota and T. Koetzing, "Ants Easily Solve Stochastic Shortest Path Problems", 14th ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Philadelphia, PA, 2012.
Book Chapters
- A. R. Hota, A. A. Clements, S. Bagchi, S. Sundaram, "A Game-Theoretic Framework for Securing Interdependent Assets in Networks," Game Theory for Security Risk Management – From Theory to Practice, Springer/Birkhauser’s series on "Static & Dynamic Game Theory: Foundations and Applications," pages 157-184, 2018.
- Impacts of Game-Theoretic and Behavioral Decision-Making on the Robustness and Security of Shared Systems and Networks, Ph.D. thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, 2017. (Advisor: Prof. Shreyas Sundaram)
- Decentralized control of distributed energy resources in smart grid, M.Tech thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, 2012. (Advisor: Prof. Prabodh Bajpai)