Setting of Global Class Standards @ IITBBS - Pursuits, Innovations and Accomplishments

Seevo hydraulic machine

Prof Raja Kumar served as the 2nd director of IITBBS from April 2015 to April 2022. Considering the national aspirations on the IIT's and realizing the scope, it was envisioned to embark on a very ambitious journey to place IITBBS amongst the cream of global class with wellness environment. It would be further refreshing to aim higher than he existing senior IIT's. It certainly means creation of systems, new standards and rising to commensurate standards on all aspects of institutional building. Such endeavours warrant close engagement of self, immersive functioning and leading from the front on the part of the leader like the director championing it. Precisely, that is what was carried out including personal shouldering and spearheading important responsibilities wherever necessary on all aspects of institutional building, very innovatively and strategically in a spirited manner. Utmost importance was given to academics, building of the institutional culture, rising of faculty through outstanding selections and its affairs, research and its culture, student culture and its affairs, infrastructure and efficiency of operations. Leading by example from the front and ensuring of participatory and accountable functioning by the teams, led to a silent, but very successful realization of the beginning and the course of the endeavour.

The institute responded very positively and there have been several exceptional accomplishments including a steep rise on many fronts. To cite an example, the way IITBBS offered education in resilient standards without any compromise during the Covid-19 pandemic is perhaps unparalleled across the globe. The campus has been made clean and green at global standards with wellness ambiance. Links to some of these where some formal or informal documents and presentations are available on hand are provided here. For the other creations and accomplishments, minutes of the various meetings of the institute, web site etc., may be visited.

Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister dedicated the campus to the nation on 24th Dec 2018

Shri Ramnath Kovind, Hon’ble President addressed the 6th Convocation on 18th March 2018.

Residential and Academic campuses and play courts of IITBBS. 80% of what is seen here was built during the term of Prof Raja Kumar

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