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Computer Science & Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

A-15, IIT Campus, Kharagpur, Pin-721302

Contact: 91-3222-283490

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Past Students


Souvik Sur

Security Proof of Work using Cellular Automata

Bijoy Das

Attacks and Analysis of Symmetric Ciphers

Debranjan Pal

Cryptanalysis of Standard Symmetric Ciphers

Swapan Kumar Maiti

Cellular Automata Based Fault Resilient Cipher 2021

Dhiman Saha

Cryptanalysis of Hash Functions and Authenticated Encryptions 2018

Jimmy Jose

Cellular Automata Based Cryptographic Algorithms 2017

Sukhendu Kuila

Cryptanalysis of Hash Functions and Authenticated Encryptions 2017

Sandip Karmakar

Analysis of Cellular Automata Based Cryptographic Algorithms 2016

Sourav Das

Security Analysis of Stream Ciphers 2015

Santosh Ghosh

Design and analysis of pairing based cryptographic hardware for prime fields, 2013

Jaydeb Bhaumik

Design and implementation of error correcting codes and cryptographic crimitives. 2012

Rupsa Chakraborty

New techniques in testing and timing verification of system-on-chips 2010

Mounita Saha

Design and Analysis of Authenticated Key Establishment Protocols 2010

Shibaji Banerjee

Design and Test of System on Chip, 2008

Debdeep Mukhopadhyay

Design and Analysis of Cellular Automata Based Cryptographic Algorithms 2007

C.V. Guru Rao

Design and Testing of VLSI Circuits, 2004

Kolin Paul

Theory and Applications of GF(28) Cellular Automata, 2002

Debasmita Ghosh

Image and Video Compression, 1997

Subarna Bhattacharya

Image Compression using Cellular Automata 1997


Rasid Ali

Design and Analysis of Block Cipher

Rahul Roy

Solving large sparse linear systems

Shramona Chakraborty

Image Processing for Secure Communication

Anindya Ganguly

Hyper-Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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Tapadyoti Banerjee

Authenticated Encryption using Cellular Automata, 2020

Abhrajit Sengupta

Different MAC Construction Techniques

Shamit Ghosh

Countermeasures Against Fault Attacks on Symmetric Key Ciphers

Pralay Biswas

Design of High speed Stream Cipher

Anup Bhattacharya

Security of Vehicular Networks Using Pairing

Debobrata Dey

Design and Analysis of Stream Cipher

Sandip Karmakar

Analysis of Cellular Automata Based Cryptographic Algorithms

Dhiman Saha

Enhanced Differential Power Attacks on Field Programmable Gate Array Implementations of Standard Block Ciphers

Debojyoti Bhattacharya

Manjur Alam

DPA-Resistant Reconfigurable AES-Rijndael

Santosh Ghosh

Implementation of Public Key Cryptosystems Resistant Against Side Channel Attacks

Roshni Chatterjee

Prevention of attacks on Hash Functions

Debdeep Mukhopadhyay

Hardware for Cryptography