Subjective Image Enhancement
In image processing, some objective quality criteria are usually
used to ascertain the goodness of the results (e.g. the image is good
if it possesses a low amount of fuzziness indicating high contrast). The
human observer, however, does not perceive these results as good because
his judgment is subjective. This distinction between objectivity and subjectivity
is the first major problem in the human-machine-interaction. Another difficulty
is the fact that different people judge the image quality differently.
This inter-individual difference is also primarily due to the aforesaid
human subjectivity.
Following, an overall enhancement system will be described
briefly. The approach is based on the combination of differently enhanced
images obtained by using different algorithms each satisfying the observer's
demand only partly. The fusion result should meet the subjective expectations
of every individual observer.
An Overall System for Image Enhancement
The proposed enhancement system [1-5] consists of two stages: an offline
stage in which an aggregation matrix will be generated (Figure 1) which
contains the relevancy of different algorithms for corresponding observers,
and an online stage where new image data will be enhanced and fused for
a certain observer (Figure 4).
Figure 1. The offline stage of the overall system. Using test
images, the observers judge the results of the selected algorithms. The
result of this stage will be an aggregation matrix ¡ containing
the relevance of each algorithm for each observer (adapted from Tizhoosh,
H.R. (2000): Fuzzy Image Enhancement: An Overview. In: Kerre, E., Nachtegael,
M. (Eds.): Fuzzy Techniques in Image Processing, Springer, Studies in
Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 137-171, 2000, ISBN: 3-7908-1304-4).
Offline Stage
The offline stage consists of five phases: image enhancement by means
of different algorithms (or by just one algorithm with different parameters),
extraction of the objective quality criteria, learning the fuzzy measure
(subjective quality evaluation), aggregation (regarding to different images
and different observers), and finally, a fuzzy inference (final quality
measure for each image). The result of the offline stage will be an aggregation
matrix containing the relevance of all involving algorithms for each observer.
The system phases can be briefly described as follows:
Phase 1 (enhancement): Different algorithms Ak (or one algorithm with
different parameters) enhance all test images Xi and deliver their results
X'i,Ak. The selection of these algorithms is dependent
on the image quality that we are interested in, e.g. contrast, smoothness,
edginess etc. At least two algorithms, or two different parameter sets
for the same algorithm, should be selected.
Phase 2 (extraction): Depending on the specific requirements of the application,
suitable quality measures h(X'i,Ak) are extracted,
e.g. contrast, sharpness or homogeneity measures. These criteria can serve
as objective quality measures and will be aggregated with subjective measures
in the forth phase via fuzzy integral.
Phase 3 (Learning): The observer judges the quality of all enhanced images.
The images are presented to the observer in random order. Moreover, the
observer is not provided with any information about the algorithms used
in the first phase.In order to map the subjective assessments into numerical
framework, the ITU recommendation BT 500 can be used. The quality of the
images generated by the k-th algorithm as excellent (=1), good (=2), fair
(=3), poor (=4) and bad (=5). For all M judgments pi,b of the b-th observer,
the MOS (mean opinion score) will be calculated:

Phase 4 (Aggregation of measures/judgments): Considering the
objective measures and subjective judgments, one recognizes two conflicts.
First, the observer judges the results of the same algorithm from image
to image differently. Second, considering the divergence between objective
and subjective assessments, the relevance of different algorithms is not
always obvious. To solve these problems two new measures the degree of
compromise m* and the degree of compatibility g are introduced (Figure

Figure 2. Aggregating of subjective and objective measures,
the degree of compatibility and the degree of compromise are calculated.
Phase 5 (Inference): The elements of vectors G (degree of compatibility)
and F (degree of compromise) are fuzzified with three membership functions
(Figure 3). The output of the inference system is an aggregation matrix
quantifying the image quality and is represented by five non-symmetric
membership functions. The if-then rules are formulated heuristically as
IF gi is HIGH and m* is MEDIUM,
then relevance Y¡(b, k) is HIGH.
The aggregation matrix ¡ indicates how relevant the k-th algorithm
is for the b-th observer.
Figure 3. Membership functions for the inputs (left) and
output (right) of the inference.
Online Stage
In the second stage (Figure 4) the system uses only the information stored
in the aggregation matrix and an index indicating the current expert looking
at the images. The fusion of the sub-results can be achieved in the simplest
way as follows:
Figure 4. The online stage of the overall system.
The observer-depended values from aggregation matrix are used to generate
the appropriate image by fusion of sub-results (adapted from: Tizhoosh,
H.R. (2000): Fuzzy Image Enhancement: An Overview. In: Kerre, E., Nachtegael,
M. (Eds.): Fuzzy Techniques in Image Processing, Springer, Studies in
Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 137-171, 2000, ISBN: 3-7908-1304-4).
In order to verify the system performance, 80 images were
used (40 images for learning in the offline stage and 40 images for testing
in the online stage). Eleven observers had to judge the quality of 400
images resulting in 4400 MOS values. The results are presented in following
table. The MOS values are averaged for all observers.
Table. The results of tests for sharpness as interesting
image quality (11 observers, 4 algorithms, 80 images).
Observer-Dependent System
Four different algorithms were used to modify the image sharpness/smoothness:

The fusion of sub-results for each observer is accomplished
by considering the spatial information:

In Figure 5 outputs of the overall-system for two different
observers are illustrated. The relevancy of the algorithms A1 to A4 using
the corresponding kernels in the equation (13) is given as follows:
First observer (left image in Figure 5): [0.26 0.29 0.16
Second observer (right image in Figure 5): [0.10 0.27 0.35 0.28]

Figure 5. The results of edge enhancement using the overall system for
two different observers.
Tizhoosh, H.R., Michaelis, B.
Improvement of Image Quality Based on Subjective Evaluation
and Fuzzy Aggregation techniques (download
EUFIT'98, Aachen, Germany, vol. 2, 1998, pp. 1325-1329
Tizhoosh, H.R., Michaelis, B.
Image Enhancement Based on Fuzzy Aggregation Techniques (download
Proceedings of 16th IEEE IMTC'99, Venice, Italy, vol. 3, pp. 1813-1817
Tizhoosh, H.R., Michaelis, B.
Subjectivity, Psychology and Fuzzy Techniques: A New Approach
to Image Enhancement
(download postscript)
Proceedings of 18th Int. Conf. of NAFIPS'99, New York, USA, pp.
Tizhoosh, H.R.
Fuzzy Image Enhancement: An Overview
In: Kerre, E., Nachtegael, M. (Eds.): Fuzzy Techniques in Image
Processing, Springer, pp. 137-171, 2000, ISBN: 3-7908-1304-4
Tizhoosh, H.R.
Observer-Dependent Image Enhancement
To be published in proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference
on Fuzzy Systems FUZZ IEEE 2001, Melbourne, Austalia.