Integrated System Design Group

    Welcome to our group page!
    Our group is focused on develpoing integrated system solutions for various applications. We are presently focusing on Power Management IC Design, Energy Harvesting and Storage on Powering the Micro-systems and Sensor Interfacing Electronics.
    Achievements of the Group Members
      Winners of the Chip Design Contest at VLSID 2024 conference.



        Present Group Members
          PhD Scholars
            2. Ashish Kumar Jha
            3. Joydeep Mahato
            4. K V Koteswara Rao
            4. Shubhangi Varma


          Alumni Group Members
          PhD Scholar
            1. Aditi Chakraborty
          MS Student
            1. Shuvoshree Bhattacharya
          MTech Students
            1. Dipak Bhapkar
            2. Anirban Barman
            3. Rohit Chaudhari
            4. Mayank Chaudhary
            5. Garima Jhamnani
          DD Students
            1. Hara Gobinda Naskar
            2. Shubham Negi