EE60032: Analog Signal Processing

Online Teaching Mode
Class Timings: MON(12:00-12:55), TUE(10:00-11:55), THURS(08:00-08:55)
Teaching Assistants (TAs): Aditi Chakraborty (aditichakraborty154 [AT] gmail [DOT] com ), Ashish Kumar Jha (ajha111192 [AT] gmail [DOT], Rasmita Muduli (rasmitamuduli [AT] gmail [DOT] com))
[1] Linear Integrated Circuits by D. Roy Choudhury and Shail B. Jain, New Age International Publisher
[2] Analog Integrated Circuit Design, (Second Edition) by Tony Chan Carusone, David Johns, Kenneth Martin, Wiley
[3] Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits by Sergio Franco (Fourth Edition), McGraw Hill Education
[4] Analog Filter Design by Rolf Schaumann, Haiqiao Xiao, Mac Van Valkenburg, (Second Indian Edition), Oxford University Press
[5] Fundamental of Microelectronics by Bezad Razavi, Wiley
[6] Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra and Smith, (Fifth Edition), Oxford Indian Edition
[7] CMOS Analog Circuit Design by Allen and Holberg, Oxford Indian Edition
[8] Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits by Bezad Razavi, Tata McGraw-Hill
    Class-1: Introduction
    Module-1: Signal processing using operational amplifier
    Class-2: Operational amplifier and various DC non-idealities [1] (input bias current, input offset current, input offset voltage, total output offset voltage, thermal drift, PSRR)
    Class-3: AC performance of the op-amp, concept of stability, dominant pole compensation [1].
    Class-4: Pole-zero compensation, internal compensation, small signal response [1].
    Class-5: Slew rate limitation of the op-amp with tutorials problems [1].
    Class-6: Various applications of op-amp in signal processing: Summing amplifier, difference amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, adder/subtractor, integrator [1].
    Class-7: Differentiator, phase-lag circuit, phase-lead circuit, logarithimic amplifier [1].
    Class-8: Antilogarithimic amplifier, applications of log and anti-log amplifiers, half wave and full wave precision rectifier, peak detector, voltage clamper circuit [1].
    Class-9: Positive clipper and negative clipper. Tutorial problems. [1].
    Module-2: Analog and switched capacitor Filters
    Class-10: Introduction of Filters, classifications, generalized transfer function of filter [5].
    Class-11: First order filters with passive and active realization [5, 6].
    Class-12: Second order LCR filter implementation: low pass filter, high pass filter and band pass filter. [5].
    Class-13: Second order LCR filter implementation: band reject filter, all pass filter. [5].
    Class-14: General impedance converter (GIC), second order active filter realization [5]
    Class-15: KRC/Sallen-Key filter and implementaion of low pass filter [5]
    Class-16: Implementaion of KRC/Sallen-Key high pass and band pass filters, sensitivity analysis of KRC/Sallen-Key filter [5]
    Class-17: KHN/State variable filter and its sensitivity analysis [5]
    Class-18: Butterworth approximation functions and tutorial problems [6]
    Class-19: Chebyshev approximation functions and tutorial problems [6]
    Class-20: Tutorial problems
    Class-21: Switched capacitor filter: basic operation and its different elements [2]
    Class-22: Introduction of z-transform, switched capacitor integrator and its parasitic effects, developement of parasitic insensitive delayed integrators [2]
    Class-23: Delay-free integrators, signal-flow graph analysis [2]
    Class-24: First order filter [2]
    Module-3: Data converters
    Class-25: Introduction, Static Characteristics of DAC [7]
    Class-26: Dynamic characteristics of the DAC, Different architectures of DAC, Current scaling parallel DAC [7]
    Class-27: Voltage scaling DAC, Charge scaling DAC, Serial DAC [7]
    Class-28: Expanding the resolution of parallel DAC [7]
    Class-29: Aliasing error [7], Sample and Hold Circuits without feedback and with feedback [2]
    Class-30: Static and dynamic Characteristics of ADC [7]
    Class-31: Single slope ADC, Dual slope ADC, Successive Approximation ADCs [7]
    Class-32: Flash ADCs, Over sampling method for A/D and D/A conversion, Delta-Sigma converter: First order [7]
    Class-33: Delta-Sigma modulator: Second and higher orders [7]
    Module-4: Phase locked loop and Oscillators
    Class-34: Phase locked loop architecture, phase detector, Locking process and steady-state behavior, static phase error [8]
    Class-35: Dynamic model of type-I PLL and understanding various design trade-offs, Capture range and lock-in range of PLL [8]
    Class-36: Basic oscillator theory, Wein bridge oscillator, ring oscillator and voltage controlled oscillator
    Class-37: External/interference noise, Internal/inherent noise, noise properties [3]
    Class-38: Noise spectrum, noise summation, different sources of noise such as thermal noise, shot noise, flicker noise [3]