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Computational dAta science and it's applications
February 20th, 2020
Department of Mathematics,
IIT Kharagpur
Collaboration With STRATIGN, Dubai

Collaboration With STRATIGN, Dubai
Cryptography and cryptanalysis
14 - 17th October 2018
19 - 22nd November 2018
(Two short visits to Dubai by
Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay, Tapas and Ravi)

Collaboration With STRATIGN, Dubai
Short Term Course on
Cryptography and cryptanalysis

25th March to 4th April 2019
Department of Mathematics
IIT Kharagpur
(PI- Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay)
A One Day Workshop On
Cryptography and CRYPTANALYSIS

April 2019
CID Cyber Crime Branch
Kolkata, West Bengal
(Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay)
A Short Visit to
the University of Auckland, New Zeland
by Tapas