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International Conferences |
1. |
Jyotirmaya Sahoo, Ramesh Parnapalli, Amit Patra, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay "Variable
Frequency PWM Switching of Charge Equalization Circuits for Balancing Current Control in Adjacent
Cell-to-Cell Architectures" 2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE2024), USA,
Oct. 20-24, 2024. (Accepted). |
2. |
Jyotirmaya Sahoo, Ramesh Parnapalli, Amit Patra, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay "Time-based
Equalization Strategy of Parallel Charge Balancing Architecture for Lithium-ion Battery
Application" 2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE2024), USA,
Oct. 20-24, 2024. (Accepted). |
3. |
Bikky Routh, Vikram Kumawat, Arijit Guha, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Amit Patra "State-of-Health
Estimation of Li-ion Batteries using Multiple Linear Regression and Optimized Feature Extraction based on
Principal Component Analysis" 2024 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management
(ICPHM 2024), USA, June 17-19, 2024. (Accepted) |
4. |
Moningi Srivalli, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Deepak Pullaguram "Partial Power Dual Active Bridge
Converter Control for Grid-Connected Battery Hub Systems" IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting
(IEEE PESGM) 2024 July 2024, USA. (Accepted) |
5. |
Jyotirmaya Sahoo, P. Ramesh, Amit Patra, and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay "Current Control
Charge Equalization Algorithm for Adjacent Cell-to-Cell Topology Using Buck-Boost and Dual
Half Bridge Converter" 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
(IECON23). (Accepted). |
6. |
Sahoo J., Ramesh P., Patra A. and Mukhopadhyay S., "Fast Balancing Data-Driven Equalization
Strategies of Series-Parallel Switched Capacitor Active Balancing Architecture", IEEE 3rd International
Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), 2023. |
7. |
Kumari S., Ghosh S. , Hota A. R., and Mukhopadhyay S., "Energy Consumption of Electric
Vehicles: Effect of Lateral Dynamics", 2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference
(VTC), Florence, Italy, 2023. |
8. |
Mondal S., Ramgopal M. and Mukhopadhyay S., "Mathematical analysis of personalized air
conditioning and ventilation system", 27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat
and Mass Transfer Conference December 14-17, 2023, India. |
9. |
Chaudhuri S.P., Routray A., Mukhopadhyay S., Uttarkabat S., "Detection of Weak Fault
Signature in PMSM Stator Current: A Case Study of Bearing Inner Raceway Fault", 49th Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2023. |
10. |
Dinesh Patra, Pulak Halder, Mukesh Roy, Shrabani Ghosh, Ashish R. Hota and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Trajectory
Prediction under Sensor Bias Fault in a Tactical Aerial Vehicle", 3rd International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT), 2023. |
11. |
Bikky Routh, Arijit Guha, Amit Patra, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Particle Filtering
framework for Health Monitoring of Lithium-Ion Batteries using Ampere-hour Throughput
based Semi-Empirical Model" IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health
Management (ICPHM 2021), IEEE, 2021. |
12. |
Duggireddy Yashwanth Reddy, Bikky Routh, Amit Patra, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Gaussian Process Regression based State
of Health Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries using Indirect Battery Health Indicators" IEEE International Conference on
Prognostics and Healt Management (ICPHM 2021), IEEE, 2021. |
13. |
Bikky Routh, Desham Mitra, Amit Patra, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"Extended Kalman Filter based Estimation of the State of Charge of
Lithium-Ion cells using a Switched Model" International Federation of
Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress 2020, Elsevier, 2020, pp. 13922-13927. |
14. |
Susenjit Ghosh, Dhrupad Biswas, Desham Mitra, Somnath Sengupta and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"Effect of SOC Uncertainty on MPC based Energy Management Strategy for HEVs" INDICON 2020,
IEEE, 2020, pp. 1-6. |
15. |
Susenjit Ghosh, Dhrupad Biswas, Desham Mitra, Somnath Sengupta and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"Effect of Uncertainty in SOC Estimation on the Performance of Energy Management for HEVs"
IFAC World Congress 2020, Elsevier, 2020, pp. 14117-14122.. |
16. |
Simran Kumari, Susenjit Ghosh, Desham Mitra, Somnath Sengupta and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"Collision Risk Assessment based on Line of Sight" IFAC World Congress 2020, Elsevier, 2020, pp. 14972-14977. |
17. |
D. Biswas, S. Ghosh, S. Sengupta, S. Mukhopadhyay, “A Predictive Supervisory Controller for an
HEV Operating in a Zero Emission Zone”, 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and
Expo (ITEC), 19-21 June 2019, Detroit, MI, USA (2019). |
18. |
S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Kapat , K. Hariharan, “Constant on-time multi-mode digital
control with superior performance and programmable frequency”, 2019 IEEE Applied Power
Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 17-21 March 2019, IEEE, Anaheim, CA, USA (2019). |
19. |
Desham Mitra, Pulak Halder, Shrabani Ghosh and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Multiple Hypothesis based Failure Diagnosis for
Range Safety" International Conference on Range Technology 2019 (ICORT 2019), Feb. 15-17, 2019. |
20. |
Dhrupad Biswas, Somnath Sengupta, Desham Mitra, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Improved Energy Management Strategy
of Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Varying Terrain" International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Volume 51, Issue 31, 2018, pp. 618-625. |
21. |
Antara Ain, Akshay Mambakam, Pallab Dasgupta, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay "Feature Based Identification
of Transmission Line Faults by Synchronous Monitoring of PMUs" VLSI Design and 2017 16th International
Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2017. pp. 245-250. |
22. |
Datta S. P., Das P. K., ,Mukhopadhyay S "Impact of a 12-volt Lead Acid Battery State-of-Charge
on the Performance of an Automotive Air Conditioning System" 16th International Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning Conference-2016. |
23. |
Sangeeta Nundy, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Alok Kanti Deb, “A Soft-Sensing Technique for
Measurement of Mass Flow Rate in a Liquid-Liquid Heat Exchanger” ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems
and Control Conference. October, 2015. |
24. |
Santu Bag, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Robert Sheehan, Susovon Samanta and Tanushree Roy,
“Frequency Compensation and Power Stage Design for Buck Converters to Meet Load Transient
Specifications”, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Twenty-Ninth
Annual IEEE, 2014. |
25. |
Santanu P. Datta, Prasanta K. Das, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay “Effect of Refrigerant Charge,
Compressor Speed and Air Flow through the Evaporator on the Performance of an Automotive Air
Conditioning System” 15th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue,
July 14-17, 2014. |
26. |
Santu Bag, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Robert Sheehan, Susovon Samanta and Tanushree Roy,
“Frequency Compensation and Power Stage Design for Buck Converters to Meet Load Transient
Specifications”, Power Electronic Conference 2014, |
27. |
Yadunath Gupta, Pulak Halder and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
“Modeling of Flexible Tactical Aerospace Vehicle for Hardware-in-Loop Simulations”,
International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC - XXXII), Orlando, USA, February 3-6 (2014). |
28. |
Aneesh Raghavan, Pulak Halder and S Mukhopadhyay, “Integrated
Guidance and Control for Precision Guided Munition for Anti-Tank
Application”, IEEE C2SPCA -2013, Bangalore, India, October 10-11 (2013). |
29. |
Santu Bag, Tanushree Roy, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Susovon Samanta,
and Robert Sheehan, “Boost Converter Control using Smith Predictor
Technique to minimize the effect of Right Half Plane Zero”, IEEE
International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 2013.
Part of 2013 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Hyderabad, India, August 28-30 (2013). |
30. |
S. P. Datta, P. K. Das, S. Mukhopadhyay, “Performance of an
Automotive Air-conditioning Test Rig with Restricted Air Flow
through the Condenser”, 22nd National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IIT Kharagpur,
India, December 28-31 (2013). |
31. |
S. Mal, S. Mukhopadhyay and P. K. Dutta, “A Novel Approach
for Input Temperature Estimation by Prediction Error Minimization
in One Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem using the Finite Difference
Method”, 22nd National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass
Transfer Conference, IIT Kharagpur, India, December 28-31 (2013). |
32. |
Sangeeta Nundy, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and Alok Kanti Deb,
“A Novel Joint State and Input Estimation Method for One
Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem using Orthogonal Collocation”,
22nd National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass
Transfer Conference, IIT Kharagpur, India, December 28-31 (2013). |
33. |
S Chakraborty, P K Das and S Mukhopadhyay, “Prediction of Curved Interface
for Stratified Gas-Liquid Flow Fusing Data from Multiple Conductivity Probe”,
8th Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2013, Jeju, Korea, ICMF-2013-161 (2013). |
34. |
Arnab Khawas and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, “Variance Optimization
of CMOS OpAmp Performances using Experimental Design Approach” ISVLSI 2012
from 19-21 August 2012. |
35. |
Srikanth Pam, Robert Sheehan and S. Mukhopadhyay, “Accurate Loss Model for DC-DC Buck Converter including Non-Linear Driver Output Characteristics”, accepted for
publication in Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC 2012),
Orlando, Florida from Feb 5-9, 2012. |
36. |
S. Samanta, P. Srikanth, R. Sheehan and S. Mukhopadhyay, “Constrained Optimization based Compensation Design for Power
Converters using Method of Feasible Directions”, accepted for
publication in Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC 2012),
Orlando, Florida from Feb 5-9, 2012. |
37. |
Shrabani Ghosh and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay “Pre-filtering of
Innovations for Tracking during Final Phase of Endo-atmospheric
Engagement of Ballistic Targets Using Seeker Measurements”
American Control Conference 2012, Montréal, Canada.. |
38. |
Jonathan Vasu, A K Deb, S Mukhopadhyay, Kallappa Pattada, “Development and Validation of an MVEM from an SI-Engine based WCCM”,
International Conference on Modelling, Identification and
Control, Shanghai, China, June 26-29, 2011. |
39. |
Jonathan Vasu, A K Deb, S Mukhopadhyay, Kallappa Pattada, “The need for Bias Modelling in MVEM based Estimators”, International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control,
Shanghai, China, June 26-29, 2011. |
40. |
R. Bhattacharya, S. Biswas and S. Mukhopadhyay "FPGA based Chip Emulation System for
Test Development of Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits", 2010 ACM/SIGDA Seventeenth
International Symposium on FPGAs. |
41. |
S. Sengupta, S. De, A. K. Bhattacharyya, S. Mukhopadhyay and A. K.
Deb, "Fault Detection
of Air Intake Systems of SI Gasoline Engines using Mean Value and Within Cycle Models",
5th IEEE Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Bangalore, India, Aug 2009 (accepted). |
42. |
Pulak Halder, S. Mukhopadhyay, Dr. S K Chaudhuri and T. K. Ghoshal,
"Actuator Fault Tolerant
Control using PI Observer", ICAS-2008, (2008). |
43. |
T. Garai, S. Mukhopadhyay and D. Ghose, "An Analytical Closed-form Solution of a Nonlinear
Guidance Law Using Adomian Decomposition", IEEE Tencon 2008, Hyderabad, India, (2008). |
44. |
Susovon Samanta, Srikanth Pam, Mohan G. H. and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"An Improved Algorithm
for Frequency Response Analysis of Switching Converters", ICIIS 2008, IIT Kharagpur (2008). |
45. |
Kiran Garje, Amitava Banerjee, Pam Srikanth, Santosh Biswas,
S. Mukhopadhyay and Anil Kumar, "Macromodel Based Fault Simulation of Linear Circuits using Parameter Estimation", ICIIS 2008,
IIT Kharagpur, (2008). |
46. |
Anirban Krishna Bhattacharyya, Shrabani Bhattacharya, Tanushree Garai and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Noise Modeling of RF Seeker for Homing Guidance Applications", ICAS 2008, RCI, Hyderabad, (2008). |
47. |
Anirban Krishna Bhattacharyya, Shrabani Bhattacharya, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay Tanushree
Garai, "Modeling of RF Seeker Dynamics and Noise Characteristics for
Estimator Design in Homing Guidance Applications", 2008 IEEE Region 10
Colloquium and the Third ICIIS, Kharagpur, INDIA December
8-10. |
48. |
T. Garai, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and D. Ghose,
"Closed-form Solution of PN Guidance Law Using Adomian
Decomposition Method", IEEE International Conference on
Industrial and Information Systems, IIT Kharagpur, India,
Dec. 8-10, 2008. |
49. |
Susovon Samanta, Pradipta
Patra, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,Amit Patra, "Optimal Slope Compensation for Step Load in Peak Current
Controlled DC-DC Buck Converter", conf. in EPE-EPMC
2008, september 1-3, 2008, Poznan, Poland. |
50. |
Garai and Susovon Samanta, Pradipta
Patra, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Amit Patra Mukhopadhyay,
"Closed-Form Solution of Pure
Proportional Navigation with Tracker-in-Loop", American
Control Conference, ACC 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA, June
11-13, 2008. |
51. |
Banerjee, S. Chatterjee, A. Patra and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"An Efficient Approach to Model Distortion in Weakly
Nonlinear Gm-C Filters", International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, San Francisco, May, 2008. |
52. |
Jyotirmoy Ghosh, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, Amit Patra, Barry
Culpepper and Tawen Mei, "A New Approach for Estimation of
On-Resistance and Current Distribution in Power Array
Layouts", in Proc. 21st IEEE International Conference on
VLSI Design, pp. 331-336, 2008. |
53. |
Santosh Biswas, Susovan Samanta, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
Amit Patra, Dipankar Sarkar, "Hybrid System Approach to On-Line Testing of Mixed Signal
VLSI Circuits: A Case Study of DC-DC Buck Converters", in IFAC 2008, SEOUL, South
Korea. |
54. |
Rajdeep Mukhopadhyay, Antara Ain, S. K. Panda, Pallab Dasgupta,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, John Gough, "Mode Based Functional Partitioning of Design Intent for
Behavioral Modeling of Large AMS Circuits", VDAT- 2008. |
55. |
Kiran Garje, Pam Srikanth, Amitava Banerjee, Santosh Biswas
and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay "Macromodel
based Fault simulation of Opamp using Parameter Estimation",
The12th IEEE
VLSI Design and Test Symposium (VDAT 2008). |
56. |
Tanushree Garai, Shrabani Bhattacharya, and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Computing Bounds of Estimator Time-lag for Homing PN
Guidance Loop Considering Autopilot and Airframe Dynamics", American Control Conference, ACC 2007, New
York City, USA, (2007). |
57. |
Shrabani Bhattacharya, Tanushree Garai and Siddhartha
Mukhopadhyay, "Observability of Measurement-Bias for
Kinematic State Estimation of Air-borne Targets Using Biased
Radar Measurements". ACODS’2007, IISc. Bangalore, Feb.
2007. |
58. |
Tanushree Garai, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and Debasish
Ghose, "Study of Capturability of True Proportional
Navigation Guidance Law with Estimator Time-constant in Loop".
ACODS’2007, IISc. Bangalore, Feb, 2007. |
59. |
Ranajit Das, Abhijit Das, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and
R. N. Bhattacherjee, "Nonlinear Design of Three Axes
Autopilot for a Tactical Aerospace Vehicle". ACODS’2007,
IISc. Bangalore, Feb, 2007. |
60. |
Abhijit Das, Ranajit Das, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and
Amit Patra, "Robust Autopilot for a Short Range
Skid-To-Turn Homing Missile". IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Technology, December, 2006, Mumbai,
India. |
61. |
N. Ghosh, Y. B. Ravi, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, A. Patra, S.
Paul, A. R. Mohanty, A. K. Chattopadhyay and A.B.
Chattopadhyay, "Few strategies to improve sensor fusion".
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology,
December, 2006, Mumbai, India.
62. |
Siddhartha Swarnakar, Vijay Sagar, Siddhartha
Mukhopadhyay and Debaprasad Kastha, "Inverter Fault
Tolerance In BLDC Drives For Electromechanical Aerospace
Actuators". IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Technology, December, 2006, Mumbai, India.
63. |
P. Bhattacharyya, D. Sengupta, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay
and A. B. Chattopadhyay, "Current Signal Based Continuous
On-line Tool Condition Estimation in Face Milling". IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Technology, December,
2006, Mumbai, India. |
64. |
Chandrabhanu Mishra, Aurobinda Routray and Siddhartha
Mukhopadhyay, "Experimental Validation of Coupled
Circuit Model and Simulation of Eccentric Squirrel Cage
Induction Motor". IEEE International Conference on
Industrial Technology, December, 2006, Mumbai, India.
65. |
Pulak Halder, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, S. K. Chaudhuri and T.
K. Ghoshal, "Flex Seal Stiffness Estimation in Flex Nozzle
Control System Using Extended Kalman Filter". IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Technology, December,
2006, Mumbai, India. |
66. |
Santosh Biswas, Dipankar Sarkar, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay
and Amit Patra, "Diagnosability Analysis of Real Time
Hybrid Systems". IEEE International Conference on
Industrial Technology, December, 2006, Mumbai, India. |
67. |
Abhijit Das, Ranajit Das, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and
Amit Patra, "Robust 3-axes Autopilot for a Tactical
Aerospace Vehicle". Proceedings of IEEE region 10
international conference, TENCON, Hong Kong, November, 2006.
68. |
Kapil Narula, Tanushree Garai and Siddhartha
Mukhopadhyay, "Effective Guidance Using Quantized
Bearing-only Sensor". 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring
and Control of Marine Craft, Lisbon, Portugal, September,
69. |
S Biswas,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, A Patra and D Sarkar, "Concurrent
Testing of Digital Circuits for Non-Classical Fault Models:
Resistive Bridging Fault Model and n-Detect Test". IEEE
European Test Symposium May, 2006, Southampton, UK.
70. |
Tanushree Garai, Shrabani Bhattacharya and Siddhartha
Mukhopadhyay, "An Approach for Computing Approximate
Bounds of Estimator Time-lag for a typical Homing PN
Guidance Loop". 1st International Symposium on Systems
and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics, ISSCAA, Harbin,
China, January, 2006.
71. |
Bhattacharya, Tanushree Garai and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"Allowable Bounds of Time-lag for Los Rate Estimator
in Homing PN Guidance Loop", IFAC The 6th Asian
Control Conference, Bali, Indonesia, (2006). |
72. |
Tanushree Garai, Shrabani Bhattacharya and Siddhartha
Mukhopadhyay, "Bounds of Estimator Time-lag for Homing
PN Guidance Loop considering Autopilot & Airframe Dynamics",
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
ISIE-2006, ETS-Downtown Montreal, Canada, (2006). |
73. |
Tanushree Garai, Shrabani Bhattacharya and Siddhartha
Mukhopadhyay, "Computing Bounds of Estimator Time-lag
for Homing PN Guidance Loop considering Autopilot & Airframe
Dynamics", IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON,
Paris, France, (2006). |
74. |
Biswas, C Karfa, D Sarkar, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay
and A Patra, "Fairness of Transitions in Diagnosability
Analysis of Hybrid Systems", Proc. IFAC American
Control Conference (In press), USA, (2006). |
75. |
Tanushree Garai, and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"Nonlinear Filtering for Bias Removal in Sensors", 13th
IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and
Systems, Nice, France (2006). |
76. |
Das, R. Das, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and A.
Patra, "Sliding Mode Controller along with Feedback
Linearization for a Nonlinear Missile Model", First
International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aerospace
and Astronautics, ISSCAA, Harbin, China, (2006). |
77. |
S Biswas,
Mukhopadhyay, A Patra ,D Sarkar, "Concurrent Testing of
Digital Circuits for Advanced Fault Models", IEEE Design
and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Czech
Republic, (2006). |
78. |
S. Biswas, C. Karfa, H. Kanwar, D. Sarkar,
Mukhopadhyay, A. Patra,
"Fairness of transitions in diagnosability analysis of hybrid systems" American
Control Conference, (2006). |
79. |
B. K. Talikdar, A. K.
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and A. Bose,
Charges and Congestion Management in the Poll Model of
Deregulated Power Systems". Communicated for publication in
IEEE Transaction in Power Systems. (2006). |
80. |
S Biswas, P Srikanth,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, A Patra and D
Sarkar, “On-Line Testing of Digital Circuits for n-Detect
and Bridging Fault Models”. IEEE Asian Test Symposium.
2005, Kolkata, December, INDIA. |
81. |
S. Moghe, S. Biswas, J. K. Agarwal, D. Sarkar, Siddhartha
Mukhopadhyay and A. Patra, "A Hybrid System Approach to
Failure Diagnosis of Analog VLSI Circuits; A Case Study of
DC-DC Buck Converters", 9th IEEE VLSI Design and Test
Symposium, Bangalore (2005). |
82. |
S. Biswas,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and A. Patra, "A BIST
Approach to On-Line Monitoring of Digital VLSI Circuits: A
CAD Tool". Asian Test Symposium, November, 2004, Kenting,
83. |
S. Biswas,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and A. Patra, "A Discrete
Event Systems Approach to On-line Monitoring of Digital VLSI
Circuits". IEEE International Conference on System Man
and Cybernetics,Netherlands, October, 2004. |
84. |
Santosh Biswas,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and A. Patra,
"Optimization of FDD for alleviation of State Explosion
Problem and development of CAD tools for on-line testing of
Digital VLSI Circuits". IEEE International On Line
Testing Symposium, July, 2004.
85. |
Pulak Halder, Dr. S.K. Chaudhuri and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"On Line Sensor Fault Detection, Isolation and
Accommodation in Tactical Aerospace Vehicle". IEEE TENCON,
November, 2004, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
86. |
Ramesh Perla,Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and A. N. Samanta,
"Sensor Fault Detection and Isolation using Artificial Neural
Networks". IEEE TENCON, November, 2004, Chiang Mai,
Thailand. |
87. |
Shrabani Bhattacharya, Sindhu Verma and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Kinematic State Estimation of Air-borne Targets using
Frequency-weighted Kalman Filter aided by Artificial Neural
networks". IEEE TENCON, November, 2004, Chiang Mai,
Thailand. |
88. |
A. Talukdar, A. Patra and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Detection of Serial and Multiple Failures and Their Recovery
using Multiple Model Adaptive Control". IEEE TENCON,
November, 2004, Chiang Mai, Thailand. |
89. |
S. Mandal, S. Biswas, A. K. Sinha, Siddhartha
Mukhopadhyay and Amit Patra, "A Heuristic Algorithm for
Economic Generation Planning". International Conference
on Power Systems, Nepal, November, 2004. |
90. |
A. K. Sinha, B. K.
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and A. Bose,
Cost as a Congestion Management Tool in Pool Dispatch for
Deregulated Power Systems". International Conference on Power
Systems, ICPS 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal, pp 384-389. vol. II.
91. |
A. K.Sinha B. K.
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and A. Bose,
"Pool Dispatch
Strategies and Congestion Management in Deregulated Power
Systems", International Conference on Power System
Technology, POWERCON 2004, Singapore, 21-24 November 2004.
92. |
P. Halder, S.K. Chaudhuri and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Control in Tactical Aerospace
Vehicles". IEEE TENCON 2003 Bangalore, India, October,
2003. |
93. |
S. Bhattacharyya and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "An Approach
towards Frequency-Weighted Pre-Filtering for Kalman Filter
based Target Tracking". IEEE TENCON 2003, Bangalore,
India, October, 2003.
94. |
P. Bhowal, D. Sarkar, A. Basu and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Inferential Problems for a class of Discrete-time Hybrid
Systems: Part-I: Process Modelling". 15th IFAC
World Congress. Barcelona, Spain, July, 2002.
95. |
P. Bhowal, D. Sarkar, A. Basu and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"Inferential Problems for a class of Discrete-time Hybrid
Systems: Part-II: State Estimation". 15th
IFAC World Congress. Barcelona, Spain, July, 2002. |
96. |
P. Bhowal, D. Sarkar, A. Basu and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"Inferential Problems for a class of Discrete-time Hybrid
Systems: Part-III: Fault Diagnosis". 15th
IFAC World Congress. Barcelona, Spain, July, 2002. |
97. |
A. G. Thosar, B.
Van Wermeskerken, S. K. Mandal, A. Patra,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, R. C. Arora, S. Bhattacharyya and P.
K. Das, "Energy-optimizing Control of a Variable
Air-Volume Air-Conditioning System". International Conference on
Energy, Automation and Information Technology, Kharagpur,
India, December, 2001. |
98. |
B. K. Roy,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, A. Patra and D. C. Saha,
"Fault Detection in Multi-stage Flash Desalination Process
using Parity Space Approach". International Conference on
Energy, Automation and Information Technology, Kharagpur,
India, December, 2001. |
99. |
P. Halder,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and S. K. Chaudhuri,
"Fault Detection in in Tactical Aerospace Vehicles".
International Conference on Energy, Automation and
Information Technology, Kharagpur, India, December, 2001. |
100. |
Bani K. Talukdar, A. K. Sinha and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhayay,
"Power System Deregulation, Brief Overview of Market
Models and Congestion Management". International
Conference on Energy, Automation and Information Technology,
Kharagpur, India, December, 2001. |
101. |
P. Bhowal, A. Basu, D. Sarkar and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"A Framework for Inferential Problems in Hybrid Systems, Part
I : Modelling and Composition". International Conference
on Energy, Automation and Information Technology, Kharagpur,
India, December, 2001. |
102. |
P. Halder,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and S.K. Chaudhuri,
"Fault Detection in Tactical Aerospace Vehicles".
International Conference on Energy, Automation and
Information Technology, Kharagpur, India, December, 2001. |
103. |
P. Bhowal, A. Basu, D. Sarkar and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
"A Framework for Inferential Problems in Hybrid Systems,
Part-II: State Estimation and Fault Diagnosis".
International Conference on Energy, Automation and
Information Technology, Kharagpur, India, December, 2001. |
104. |
B. K. Roy, A. Patra,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and D. C. Saha,
"Fault Detection in Dynamical Systems based on Direct
Physical Parameter Estimation". International Conference
on Energy, Automation and Information Technology. Kharagpur,
India, December, 2001.
105. |
A. Talukdar,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay and A. Patra,
"Detection and Diagnosis of Actuator Failures in Aero-space
Vehicles using Analytical Redundancy". International
Conference on Energy, Automation and Information Technology.
Kharagpur, India, December, 2001.
106. |
S. Chaudhuri,
A. K. P. Singh, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, S. T. Selvan,
S. K. Roy, N. K. Kakkar, A. Patra, P. K. Dutta , S. Sen and S. Sengupta,
"An image-based measurement system for
fluted ingots in steel plants". International Conference
on Energy, Automation and Information Technology. Kharagpur,
India, December, 2001. |
107. |
B. Das, A. Patra,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, S. K. Mandal and
S. De, "Fault Tolerant Control of Variable Air-Volume
Air-Conditioning Systems using Artificial Neural Networks".
International Conference on Energy, Automation and
Information Technology. Kharagpur, India, December, 2001. |
108. |
S. K. Mandal,
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, A. Patra, S.
Bhattacharyya, P. K. Das and R. C. Arora, "Modelling and
closed loop simulation of a Variable Air-Volume
Air-Conditioning Systems". International Conference on
Energy, Automation and Information Technology Kharagpur,
India, December, 2001.
109. |
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
S. B. Roy and R. Mukherjee, "Modelling of Socio-technical Systems,
Assessment and Proposition". Int. Conf. On System
Dynamics. Dec, 1998, Kharagpur, India.
110. |
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay,
B. K. Roy, A. Patra and D.C. Saha, "Fault Defection and
Diagnosis for Dynamic Processes: Survey and Assessment".
Proc. IDA World Congress on Desalination and Water Sciences,
Nov. 18-24, 1995, Abu Dhabi, UAE. |
111. |
G. Durgaprasad, G. P. Rao, A. Patra and
Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay, "Indirect methods of estimation of parameters of
discrete-time models". Proc. 9th IFAC/IFORS Symp. on
Ident. and Sys. Par. Est., Budapest, Hungary, July, 1991.