Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (4-0-0)

Course Details:

  1. Architecture: Basic organization, fetch-decode-execute cycle, data path and control path
  2. Instruction set architecture
  3. I/O subsystems
  4. Interrupts
  5. Memory hierarchy
  6. Overview of pipelined architecture
  7. Operating systems: An overview
  8. Process management, user and supervisor modes, process synchronization
  9. Semaphores
  10. Memory management, virtual memory
  11. File systems
  12. I/O systems
  13. Issues in multiprocessing environments

Suggested Text/Reference Books

Computer Organization and Design - The Hardware/Software Interface by Patterson and Hennessy
Computer Organization by Hamacher, Vranesic and Zaky, McGraw Hill
Computer Architecture and Organization by Hayes, McGraw Hill
Operating System Concepts, Avi Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne, Wiley Asia Student Edition
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, Prentice Hall of India
CA Lecture Slide Set 1 (Basics and Performance Metrics) - Patterson and Hennessy
CA Lecture Slide Set 2 (ISA) - Patterson and Hennessy
CA Lecture Slide Set 3 (Arithmetic) - Hamacher
CA Lecture Slide Set 4 (Memory Technology and Organization) - Hamacher
CA Lecture Slide Set 5 (Basic Processing Unit) - Hamacher
CA Lecture Slide Set 6 (Pipelining) - Hamacher
CA Lecture Slide Set 7 (Basic I/O) - Hamacher

OS Chapter 1 (Introduction) - Galvin
OS Chapter 2 (Operating system - Structures)- Galvin
OS Chapter 3 (Processes) - Galvin
OS Chapter 4 (Threads) - Galvin
OS Chapter 5 (Process Scheduling) - Galvin
OS Chapter 6 (Synchronization) - Galvin
OS Chapter 7 (Deadlocks) - Galvin
OS Chapter 8 (Main Memory) - Galvin
OS Chapter 9 (Virtual Memory) - Galvin