Performance Modeling of Computer Networks (3-0-0)
Course Details:
1. Introduction: Network modeling, Computer Network as a discrete event system, Modeling and measurement tools, Network performance metrics - first order and second order metrics, Network capacity, Difference between throughput and capacity
2. Network Calculus: Models for data flows, arrival curves and service curves, Greedy shapers, Basic min-plus and max-plus calculus, min-plus and max-plus systems, Optimal smoothing, FIFO systems and aggregate scheduling, Time varying shapers, Systems with losses, Case studies - (1) Analyzing spanning tree based data forwarding using network calculus, (2) Bound on loss rate
3. Stochastic Process and Queuing Theory: Introduction to stochastic process - continuous and discrete time process, probability distribution - continuous and discrete distribution, univariate and multivariate distribution, Renewal process, Queuing theory, Queuing models - M/M/1, M/G/1, M/M/C, M/M/1/N, G/G/1, diffusion approximation, Markov process - continuous and discrete time Markov process.
4. Stochastic Scheduling and Resource Allocation: Stochastic scheduling, dynamic resource allocation, Dynamic programming models for stochastic scheduling, Queuing networks - open loop and closed loop networks, Jackson networks, Network fairness - proportional and max-min fairness, Markov process and its application for analyzing network resource allocation and fairness, available bandwidth estimation, Case studies - (1) TCP/IP flow and congestion control, (2) Modeling dynamic routing and scheduling as a queuing network problem, (3) Analysis of IEEE 802.11 channel access using two dimensional Markov process.
5. Queuing Petri Nets for Protocol Analysis: Modeling discrete event system using petri-nets, basics of petri nets, stochastic petri nets, queuing petri nets, properties of petri nets, structural analysis of petri nets, Petri net modeling tools - simQPN, Case studies - (1) Wireless channel model using stochastic petri net, (2) Data center network throughput analysis using queuing Petri Nets
6. Network Games: Introduction to game theory, Zero sum games, Nash equilibrium, Pareto optimality, Cooperative and Non-cooperative games, General network games - resource sharing games, routing games, congestion games, Mechanism design, Case studies - (1) Selfish routing in networks and price of anarchy, (2) Oblivious routing, (3) Network resource allocation games
Suggested Text Books
The Network Calculus Book by Jean-Yves Le Boudec and Patrick Thiran: Available for free download:
Anurag Kumar, D. Manjunath and Joy Kuri, "Communication Networking: An Analytical Approach" Morgan Kaufman Publishers
Dimitri P. Bertsekas and Robert G. Gallager, "Data Networks": Materials are available at
Kleinrock, "Queuing Systems"