Communication Systems and Networking (IT60103)
Course Details:
Communication media, coding, modulation and demodulation, modem standards. Transmission modes: serial/parallel, synchronous/asynchronous, simplex/half-duplex/full-duplex. Multiplexing, error detection and correction. Interfaces for data communication: RS-232, RS-449 etc. Basic networking concepts. Topology, circuit switching and packet switching, layering, review of LAN and WAN technologies, bridges, switches, gateways, routers, firewall, proxy, multicasting. Client-server programming. Internetworking: TCP/IP, ICMP, Routing protocols, IPv6. Basic Internet protocols: Telnet, FTP, SMTP, HTTP.
Suggested Text Books
B. A. Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking
W. Stallings, Data and comuter Communications
D. P. Bertsekas and R. G. Gallager, Data Networks