Advanced Database Systems (4-0-0)

Course Details:

  1. Review of Relational Database Management Systems - ER and Relational Models; Functional Dependency; B+ Tree Indexing; Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control
  2. Active Databases
  3. Temporal Databases
  4. Deductive Databases
  5. Advanced Concurrency Control Mechanisms; Different levels of Isolation
  6. Distributed Databases
  7. Indexing High-dimensional Data: Data Partitioning and Space Partitioning approaches; R-Tree, KD Tree, KDB Tree; Nearest neighbor search in high dimensions, Recent advances in high dimensional indexing
  8. Indexing Discrete data
  9. Multimedia Databases
  10. Object-oriented and Object-relational Databases

Suggested Text Books
a. Advanced Database systems (Morgan Kaufmann)
b. H.Samet - Foundations of Multidimensional and Discrete Data Structures (Morgan Kaufmann)
c. P.A.Bernstein, V. Hadzilacos, N. Goodman - Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems (Addison Wesley)
d. R. Elamsri, S. B. Navathe - Fundamentals of Database Systems (Pearson Education)