Dr. Sankha Deb, Ph.D. (University of Montreal, Canada)
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Vice-Chairperson, Central Workshop and Instruments Services Section (CWISS),
Joint Faculty,
Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing Technology (CoE AMT),
Joint Faculty,
Centre for Excellence in Robotics,
In-Charge, FMS and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory,
In-Charge, Mechanical Micro-Machining Laboratory Laboratory,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,
Kharagpur - 721302, INDIA
Phone: +91-3222-282912 (Office), +91-3222-281599 (Lab)
Email: sankha.deb@mech.iitkgp.ac.in , sankha.deb@gmail.com
IIT Faculty Page Link

Sankha Deb

Announcement for Prospective Students: I am looking for M.Tech and PhD students to guide in the areas of CAD/CAM, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing. To learn more about the activities of our research group, please click here.

Education  |  Professional Experience |  Research Interests |  Laboratory Facilities available to our Research Group |  Teaching |  Publications and Presentations |  Current Sponsored Projects |  Students' Guidance |  Professional Activities |  Awards and Honours |  Short Bio  |  Research Group

- B.E. (Hons.) degree (National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India, 1996)
- M.Tech degree (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, 1999), M.Tech. Thesis: Development and Performance Evaluation of Brazed Monolayer Cubic Boron Nitride Grinding Wheels
- Ph.D. degree (University of Montreal, Canada, 2005), Ph.D. Thesis: Intelligent Computer-Aided Process Planning for Rotationally Symmetrical Parts Using Neural Network and Expert System

Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (June 2021 to present)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (Dec 2008 to June 2021)
- Visiting Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Canada (June 2008 & June 2009)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India (Feb 2006 to Dec 2008)
- Assistant Professor, Center for Soft Computing Research, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India (Aug 2005 to Jan 2006)
- Research Assistant, Department of Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Canada (1999 to 2005)
- Mechanical Engineer, Voltas Limited, Calcutta, India (1996 - 1997)

Research Interests
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing (Cellular Manufacturing, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Production Planning and Control, etc.)
- Computer-Aided Process Planning (Automatic Feature Recognition, Machining Setup and Fixture Planning, Tool Path Planning, Assembly Sequence Planning, Planning for Layered Manufacturing, etc.)
- Robotics (Multi-finger Robot Grippers, Climbing Robots, Self-reconfigurable Robots)
- Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (AI and Soft Computing based Modeling of Manufacturing Systems)
- Micro-Manufacturing Processes (Mechanical micro-machining, Micro EDM)
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing techniques in Manufacturing.

To learn more about the activities of our research group, please click here

Laboratory Facilities available to our Research Group
Laboratory facilities available to our Research Group include a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS), a Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) System, a Micro-machining facility with an ultra-precision 5 axis CNC Micro-machining centre and an optical camera system for inspection of micro-tools, and various equipments such as slant bed CNC Lathe with 8 station programmable turret, two CNC milling machines with Automatic Tool Changer (ATC), a 5-axis articulated Robot, a 6-axis articulated Robot, a pneumatically actuated loading/unloading arm, Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV), and Automated Storage / Retrieval System (AS/RS), Machine Vision System for Automated Inspection, as well as various software packages for CAD modeling, CNC Simulation software for Lathe and Milling Machine, CAD/CAM based Part Programming, Simulation and Control Software of Robot manipulators, Simulation and Control softwares of FMS and CIM, etc. These state-of-the-art facilities will provide excellent opportunities to the students and researchers for hands-on training and research on FMS and CIM, including operation, control and programming of various computer controlled machines, system modeling, simulation and performance analysis of the FMS/CIM as well as issues relating to computer-aided process planning, computer-aided production planning, scheduling and control, and further carry out research on Micromanufacturing etc.

For further details about the laboratory facilities, please click here.


Undergraduate Courses
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing (MF 40603), UG course at IIT Kharagpur, Fall 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024, Spring 2025. Course Homepage
- Computer Controlled Manufacturing Machines (ME30204), UG course at IIT Kharagpur, Spring 2025. Course Homepage
- Machine Tools and Machining (ME30604), UG course at IIT Kharagpur, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023 and Spring 2024. Course Homepage
- Machine Tools and Machining Laboratory (ME33007), UG Course at IIT Kharagpur, Spring 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
- Non-Traditional Manufacturing and CIM Lab (MF49601), UG course at IIT Kharagpur, Fall 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. 2021, 2022.
- Introduction to Manufacturing Processes (ME19701), UG Course at IIT Kharagpur, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and to be taught in Autumn 2020.
- Nondestructive Evaluation and Imaging (MF40404), UG Course at IIT Kharagpur, Spring 2009.
- Manufacturing Technology II (ME 306), UG course taught at IIT Guwahati, Spring 2007 and 2008.
- Machine Drawing (ME 211), UG course taught at IIT Guwahati, Fall 2006.

Postgraduate Courses
- Manufacturing Automation (ME60129), PG course at IIT Kharagpur, taught in Autumn 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
- Product Development and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (ME60304), PG course at IIT Kharagpur, Spring 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
- Mechatronics (ME60426), PG course at IIT Kharagpur, Spring 2014 and 2015.
- CAD for Manufacturing (ME60305), PG course at IIT Kharagpur, Fall 2010, 2011.
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing (ME 514), PG course taught at IIT Guwahati, Spring 2008.
- Robotics and Robot Applications (ME 640), PG course taught at IIT Guwahati, Fall 2006, 2007 and 2008.
- Mechatronics and Manufacturing Automation (ME 514), PG course taught at IIT Guwahati, Fall 2007 and 2008.

Publications and Presentations

Deb, S. R. and Deb, Sankha "Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2010 (ISBN-13: 978-0-07-007791-1)

Chapter in Book
- Behera, G. C., Saha, S., and Deb, Sankha,"Artificial Intelligence- Driven Modeling and Optimization for Machining of Engineering Composites, Forming and Machining of Polymers, Ceramics, and Composites, Matruprasad Rout, Kishore Debnath (Editors), CRC Press Boca Raton, 2024, pp. 197-235.[link]
- Saha, S., Sikdar, S., Kumar, A. S., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay, P. P., "Dependency of Machining Forces on Process Parameters During Sustainable MQL-Based Micro-milling of D2 Steel, Advances in Micro and Nano Manufacturing and Surface Engineering, B. Bhattacharyya, J. Mathew, N. Saravanakumar, G. Rajeshkumar (Editors), Springer Nature Singapore, 2023, pp. 119-128.[link]
- Mishra, A., Deb, Sankha,""Mobile Robot Path Planning Using a Flower Pollination Algorithm-Based Approach", Nature-Inspired Computation in Navigation and Routing Problems, Xin-She YangYu-Xin Zhao (Editors), Springer Publishers, 2020.[link]
- Mishra, A., Sainul, I. A., Bhuyan, S., Deb, Sankha and Sen, D.,"Development of a Flexible Assembly System Using Industrial Robot with Machine Vision Guidance and Dexterous Multi-finger Gripper",Precision Product-Process Design and Optimization, Sanjay S. Pande and Uday S. Dixit (Editors), Springer Publishers, 2018.[link]
- Ganesh M., Sidpara, A. and Deb, Sankha, Fabrication of Micro-cutting Tools for Mechanical Micro-machining, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Modern Machining, Advanced Joining, Sustainable Manufacturing, Gupta, K. (Editor), Springer Publishers, 2017.
- Deb, Sankha and Dixit, U.S., Intelligent Machining: computational methods and optimization, Machining: Fundamentals and recent advances, Davim, J. Paulo (Editor), Springer Publishers, 2008. [link]

Journals and Conference Proceedings

- Desai, N., Behera, G. C., Deb, Sankha and Sen, D., "A Genetic Algorithm Based Adaptive and Hybrid Pathfinding Algorithm to Enhance the Performance of Robotic Bin-Picking", 2024 IEEE 21st India Council International Conference (INDICON), IIT Kharagpur, 19th to 21st December, 2024.
- Behera, G. C., Rajagopal, A., Deb, Sankha , "Energy efficient machining operation sequencing optimization Using Whale Optimization Algorithm", 13th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro, and Nano Engineering (COPEN 13), NIT Calicut, 13th to 15th December, 2024.
- Desai, N., Deb, Sankha and Sen, D., "Design and Implementation of a Lance for Performing Robot-Assisted Metallurgical Temperature Measurement and Sampling and Robot Trajectory Planning and Control", International Conference on Next Generation Technologies: Design and Manufacturing (ICNGT 2024) , IIT Madras, 13th to 15th November, 2024.
- Ansary, S. I., Mishra, A., Deb, Sankha and Deb A. K., "A framework for robotic grasping of 3D objects in a tabletop environment", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-024-20178-y
- Bhuyan S., Verma, A., Sen, D. and Deb, Sankha,"Consistent Features from Varied Contexts and Ordered Multiple Attention Forms for RGB-D Salient Object Detection", IEEE Sensors Journal , Vol. 24(16), 2024, pp. 25879-25890. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2024.3405658
- Bhuyan S., Kar, A., Sen, D. and Deb, Sankha,"RGB-D Fusion through Zero-shot Fuzzy Membership Learning for Salient Object Detection", IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence , 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TAI.2024.3376640
- Behera, G. C., Ajitbhai, V. H., Rajagopal, A., Deb, Sankha , "Assembly Sequence Planning by Modified Particle Swarm Optimization", 9th International & 30th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, IIT(BHU) Varanasi, India, 8th to 10th December 2023.
- Sainul I. A. and Deb, Sankha, "Design and Development of an Adaptive Robotic Gripper for Object Grasping", National Seminar on Innovation & Technology Inclusion Program in Manufacturing and Asset Management for Steel Industry, Tata Steel Ltd, Jamshedpur, India, November 2023.
- Desai, N., Deb, Sankha and Sen, D., "MaskPose: 3D pose estimation and image segmentation of objects from RGB images for robotic grasping", National Seminar on Innovation & Technology Inclusion Program in Manufacturing and Asset Management for Steel Industry, Tata Steel Ltd, Jamshedpur, India, November 2023.
- Bhuyan S., Sen, D. and Deb, Sankha,"RGB-D Fusion Based on Fuzzy Optimization for Salient Object Detection", 10th International Conference, Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence , Kolkata, India, December 2023.
- Bhuyan S., Sen, D. and Deb, Sankha,"Estimated Depth Based Progressive Interactive Framework for RGB Salient Object Detection in Images", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 2023.
- Ansary, S. I., Deb, Sankha and Deb A. K., "Design and Development of an Adaptive Robotic Gripper", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems", Vol. 109, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-023-01948-6
- Saha, S., Ansary, S. I., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay, P. P.,"Influence of tool wear on chip-like burr formation during micro-milling, and image processing based measurement of inwardly-deflected burrs", Wear , Vol. 205024.
- Saha, S., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay, P. P.,"Tool wear induced burr formation and concomitant reduction in MQL wetting capability in micro-milling", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences , Vol. 245, 2023, pp. 108095.[link]
- Saha, S., Kumar, A. S., Ganesh, M., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay, P. P.,"Energy balance model to predict the critical edge radius for adhesion formation with tool wear during micro-milling", Journal of Manufacturing Processes , Vol. 93, 2023, pp. 219-238.[link]
- Sravan Kumar A., Deb, Sankha and Paul. S.,"Burr removal from high-aspect-ratio micro-pillars using ultrasonic-assisted abrasive micro-deburring", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering , Vol. 32, 2022, pp. 055010.[link]
- Saha, S., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay, P. P.,"Shadow zone in MQL application and its influence on lubricant deficiency and machinability during micro-milling", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences , Vol. 220, 2022, pp. 107181.[link]
- Ansary, S. I., Deb, Sankha and Deb A. K., "A novel object slicing-based grasp planner for unknown 3D objects", Intelligent Service Robotics", 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11370-021-00397-0 [link]
- Bhuyan S., Sen D. and Deb, Sankha, "Structure aware multiple salient region detection and localization for autonomous robotic manipulation", IET Image Processing , 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1049/ipr2.12399 [link]
- Saha, S., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay, P. P.,"Progressive wear based tool failure analysis during dry and MQL assisted sustainable micro-milling", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences , Vol. 212, 2021, pp. 106844.[link]
- Saha, S., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay, P. P.,"Precise measurement of worn-out tool diameter using cutting edge features during progressive wear analysis in micro-milling", Wear, Vol. 488-489, 2022, pp. 204169.[link]
- Sravan Kumar A., Deb, Sankha and Paul. S.,"Ultrasonic-assisted abrasive microdeburring of micromachined metallic alloys", Journal of Manufacturing Processes , Vol. 66, 2021, pp. 595-607.[link]
- Saha, S., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay, P. P.,"Feasibility of improving productivity through the usage of higher axial depth of cut per pass during MQL based sustainable micro-milling", Proceedings of the 41st International MATADOR Conference on Advanced Manufacturing, Manchester, UK, September 15 - 17, 2021. [link]
- Sravan Kumar A., Deb, Sankha and Paul. S.,"Tribological characteristics and micromilling performance of nanoparticle enhanced water based cutting fluids in minimum quantity lubrication", Journal of Manufacturing Processes , Vol. 56, Part A, 2020, pp. 766-776.[link]
- Ganesh M., Sidpara, A. and Deb, Sankha,"Study of different materials response in micro milling using four edged micro end mill tools", Journal of Manufacturing Processes , 2020, Vol. 56, Part A, 2020, pp. 169-179.[link]
- Saha S., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay P. P. "An analytical approach to assess the variation of lubricant supply to the cutting tool during MQL assisted high speed micromilling", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 285, pp. 116783, 2020 [link]
- Ganesh M., Sidpara, A. and Deb, Sankha,"Fabrication of micro-end mill tool by EDM and its performance evaluation", Machining Science and Technology , 2020, Vol. 24(2), pp. 169-194. DOI: 10.1080/10910344.2019.1636269 [link]
- Saha S., Sravan Kumar A., Deb, Sankha and Bandyopadhyay P. P., "An Investigation on the Top Burr Formation during Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Assisted Micromilling of Copper", Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization 2020 , IIT Indore, India, March 2020 [link]
- Mishra A. and Deb, Sankha, "An Improved Hybrid Flower Pollination Algorithm for Assembly Sequence Optimization", Assembly Automation, 2019, Vol. 39(1), pp.165-185 DOI: 10.1108/AA-09-2017-112 [link].
- Sainul I. A., Deb, Sankha and Deb A. K., "A novel object slicing based grasp planner for 3D object grasping using underactuated robot gripper", Proceedings of IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 585-590, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2019.8927018 [link]
- Ganesh M., Katta, S., Sidpara, A. and Deb, Sankha,"Length-wise tool wear compensation for micro electric discharge drilling of blind holes", Measurement , 2019, Vol. 134, pp. 888-896.[link]
- Ganesh M., Jayachandran, k. N., Sidpara, A. and Deb, Sankha,"Experimental and theoretical investigation into simultaneous deburring of microchannel and cleaning of the cutting tool in micromilling", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture , 2019, Vol. 233(7), pp. 1761-1771. DOI: 10.1177/0954405418798864 [link]
- Sainul, I. A., Narkhede K. S., Bhise A. S. and Deb, Sankha,"A Backstepping control strategy for constrained tendon driven robotic finger", Proceedings of 2019 5th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR) , Beijing, China, April 2019.[link]
- Sravan Kumar A., Deb, Sankha and Paul. S.,"A Study on Micro-Milling of Aluminium 6061 and Copper With Respect to Cutting Forces, Surface Roughness and Burr Formation", Proceedings of ASME 2018 13th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference , College Station, Texas, USA, June 2018.[link]
- Bhuyan S., Sen, D. and Deb, Sankha,"Saliency Based Fast Object Localization and Recognition for Mechanical Assembly", Proceedings of 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON 2018) , Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Combatore, India, December 2018.[link]
- Ganesh M., Mathew, A., Sidpara, A. and Deb, Sankha,"Parametric Study for micro cutting tool fabrication by EDM process", Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Precision, Meso and Nano Engineering , IIT Madras, India, December 2017.[link]
- Karthik, G.V.S.K. and Deb, Sankha, "A methodology for assembly sequence optimization by hybrid cuckoo-search genetic algorithm, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2017, Vol. 17(1), pp. 47-59. [link]
- Mishra, A. and Deb, Sankha, "Robotic Assembly Sequence Planning and Optimization by Cuckoo Search Algorithm", Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Production Research, 2017, Poznan, Poland. [link]
- Mishra, A., Bhuyan, S., Agrawal, S., Deb, Sankha and Sen, D.,"Task level planning and implementation of robotic assembly under machine vision guidance", Proceedings of the 6th International & 27th AIMTDR Conference, College of Engineering Pune, India, December 2016.[link]
- Sainul, I. A., Deb, A. K. and Deb, Sankha, "Position and Impedance Control of a multi-finger tendon-driven robot hand", Proceedings of the 6th International & 27th AIMTDR Conference, College of Engineering Pune, India, December 2016.[link]
- Ganesh M., Sidpara, A. and Deb, Sankha,"Scope and evolution of micro EDM in Texturing and Structuring applications", Proceedings of the 6th International & 27th AIMTDR Conference, College of Engineering Pune, India, December 2016.[link]
- Mishra, A. and Deb, Sankha, "Assembly sequence optimization using a Flower Pollination Algorithm-based approach", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-016-1261-7 . [link]
- Mishra, A. and Deb, Sankha, "A GA based parameter meta-optimization of ACO algorithm for solving assembly sequence optimization", Proceedings of International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering CIE 46, 2016, Tianjin, China. [link]
- Das, A. and Deb, Sankha, "A Neural Network Based Methodology for Inverse Kinematics of a Multi Finger Robotic Hand for Gripping", International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 2016, Vol. 15(4), pp. 281-294. [link]
- Deb, Sankha, "Current Trends in Development of Intelligent Robotic Systems for Manufacturing" , CSI Communications, Vol 40(4), pp. 19-21, 2016.
- Mishra, A. and Deb, Sankha,"An intelligent methodology for assembly tools selection and assembly sequence optimisation", In CADCAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Springer Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, eds. D. K. Mandal and C. S. Syan, pp. 323-333, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2740-3_31 [link]
- Sainul, I. A., Deb, Sankha and Deb, A. K.,"A three finger tendon driven robotic hand design and its kinematics model", In CADCAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Springer Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, eds. D. K. Mandal and C. S. Syan, pp. 313-321, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2740-3_30 [link]
- Das, A. and Deb, Sankha, "Recognition of force closed point grasp for 2D object", In CADCAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Springer Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, eds. D. K. Mandal and C. S. Syan, pp. 357-365, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2740-3_34 [link]
- Singh, S. K. and Deb, Sankha,"A Knowledge Based Approach for Automatic Process Plan Generation for Machining", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, vol. 15(1), 2014.
- Singh, S. and Deb, Sankha,"An Intelligent Methodology for Optimizing Machining Operation Sequence by Ant System Algorithm", International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 16(4), pp. 451-471, 2014.
- Burnwal, S. and Deb, Sankha,"Scheduling Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing System using a Cuckoo Search based Approach", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, Vol. 64(5-8), pp. 951-959, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-012-4061-z
- Singh, S. K. and Deb, Sankha,"A Knowledge Based Approach for Automatic Process Plan Generation for Machining", Proceedings of the International Conference of Agile Manufacturing (ICAM 2012) IIT BHU, Varanasi, India, December 2012.
- Chawla, P. R. and Deb, Sankha,"A Computer-Aided Inspection Methodology for Mechanical Parts based on Machine Vision", Proceedings of the 4th International & 25th AIMTDR Conference, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, December 2012.
- Das, R., Dixit, U. S., and Deb, Sankha, "An Experimental Study on a Constrained Multi-Hole Extrusion Process", Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies, Nova Science Publishers, USA, 2012, vol. 4 (1/2).[link]
- Kumar, C. and Deb, Sankha,"Generation of Optimal Sequence of Machining Operations in Set-up Planning by Genetic Algorithms", Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2012, vol 11(1), pp. 67-80, DOI: 10.1142/S0219686712500059
- Das, R., Dixit, U. S., and Deb, Sankha, "Effect of extrusion ratio, die land length and lubrication on hardness and surface roughness in multi-hole extrusion", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research, Nova Science Publishers, USA, 2012, vol. 4 (1/2). [link]
- Hazarika, M., Dixit, U. S. and Deb, Sankha,"A method for fine tuning the membership grades assigned by experts: an application to burr height estimation in drilling", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research, Nova Science Publishers, USA, 2012, vol. 4 (1/2).[link]
- Deb, Sankha,"An Intelligent System for Computer-Aided Process Planning by the application of a knowledge-based system and a genetic algorithm", Proceedings of National Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (NCPCC-2012) , Kolkata, India, March 2012
- Das, R., Dixit, U. S., and Deb, Sankha, "An Experimental Study on the Effect of Lubrication, Die Land Length and Vibration in Multi-Hole Extrusion Process", International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering, 2011.
- Das, D. and Deb, Sankha,"Optimization of Machining Operation Sequence by using a Particle Swarm Optimization based Reinforced Learning Algorithm", under review.
- Prasoon, R. and Deb, Sankha,"A Sexual Genetic Algorithm based Approach for Assembly Sequence Optimization", under review.
- Deb, Sankha, Parra-Castillo, J. R. and Ghosh, K., "An Integrated and Intelligent Computer-Aided Process Planning Methodology for Machined Rotationally Symmetrical Parts", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2011, vol. 13(1), pp. 1-26 .
- Hazarika, M., Deb, Sankha, Dixit, U. S. and Davim, J.P., "A Fuzzy Set Based Setup Planning System with Ability for Online Learning", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2011, vol. 225(2), pp. 247-263, DOI: 10.1243/09544054JEM1867 .
- Ritwik, K. and Deb, Sankha,"A Genetic Algorithm based Approach for Optimization of Scheduling in Job Shop Environment", Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (JAMS), 2011, vol. 10(2), pp. 223-240, DOI: 10.1142/S0219686711002235
- Burnwal, S. and Deb, Sankha,"Application of Cuckoo Search algorithm to manufacturing scheduling problems", Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Methods in Manufacturing (ICCMM2011), Guwahati, India, December 2011.
- Das, R., Dixit, U. S., and Deb, Sankha, "An experimental study on the effect of lubrication, die land length and vibration in multi-hole extrusion process", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Production and Industrial Enginering (CPIE-2010), Jalandhar, India, December 2010.
- Hazarika, M., Dixit, U. S. and Deb, Sankha,"A method for fine tuning the membership grades assigned by experts: an application to burr height estimation in drilling",Proceedings of the 3rd International & 24th AIMTDR Conference, Visakhapatnam, India, December 2010.
- Das, A. and Deb, Sankha,"Grasping Strategies for a Dexterous Multi-finger Robot Gripper", Proceedings of the 3rd International & 24th AIMTDR Conference, Visakhapatnam,, India, December 2010.
- Kumar, C. and Deb, Sankha,"Generation of Optimal Sequence of Machining Operations in Set-up Planning by Genetic Algorithms", Proceedings of the 3rd International & 24th AIMTDR Conference, Visakhapatnam,, India, December 2010.
- Das, R., Dixit, U. S., and Deb, Sankha, "Effect of die land length and lubrication on the mechanical properties of the extruded products in a multi-hole extrusion process: an experimental study", International Journal of Manufacturing Technology & Industrial Engineering, 2010, vol. 1(2), pp. 175-179.
- Hazarika, M., Dixit, U. S., and Deb, Sankha, "A Setup Planning Methodology for Prismatic Parts Considering Fixturing Aspects", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, vol. 51(9-12), pp. 1099-1109, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-010-2667-6 .
- Hazarika, M., Dixit, U. S. and Deb, Sankha, "Effect of Datum Surface Roughness on Parallelism and Perpendicularity Tolerances in Milling of Prismatic Parts", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2010 Vol. 224(9), pp. 1377-1388, DOI: 10.1243/09544054JEM1708 .
- Deb, Sankha Issues and Strategies in Robotic Welding, Proceedings of the National Welding Seminar 2009 - 10, Kolkata, India, December 2009
- Sinha, M. K., Deb, Sankha and Dixit, U. S., "Theoretical and experimental investigations on multi-hole extrusion process", Materials & Design, 2009, Vol. 30(7), pp. 2386-2392
- Sinha, M. K., Deb, Sankha and Dixit, U. S., "Design of a multi-hole extrusion process", Materials & Design, 2009, Vol. 30(2), pp. 330-334.
- Hazarika, M., Deb, Sankha and Biswal, D., "An Expert System based Computer-Aided Process Planning Methodology for setup planning of machined prismatic parts", Proceedings of the 2nd International & 23rd AIMTDR Conference, Chennai, India, December 2008.
- Rohit, V and Deb, Sankha, "A hybrid algorithm for conflict free routing of automated guided vehicles", Proceedings of the 2nd International & 23rd AIMTDR Conference, Chennai, India, December 2008.
- Rohit, V. and Deb, Sankha, Artificial Immune Systems for the Capacitated Lotsizing Problem in Production Planning", Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research for Growing Nation, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, December 2008.
- Khetan, A. K., Deb, Sankha, "Neural network application in machining: A review", Proceedings of INAE-DAE International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT 2008) for Young Engineers, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, February 2008.
- Deb, Sankha and Ghosh, K., "A Computer-Aided Process Planning System for Automatic Machining Set-Up Generation Based on Expert System", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Engineering - 2007 (ICAME - 2007), Manipal, Karnataka, India, October 2007.
- Deb, Sankha and Ghosh, K., "An Automatic Process Planning System for Generation of Machining Operations using Neural Networks", Proceedings of 23rd ISPE International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics & Factories of the Future, Bogota, Colombia, August 2007. (ISBN 978-958-978-597-3)
- Deb, Sankha and Ghosh, K., "An Expert System based Methodology for Automating the Set-up Planning in Computer-Aided Process Planning for Rotationally Symmetrical Parts", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 2007, Vol. 10(2), pp.81-93.
- Garg, S., Chakraborty, D., Deb, S., and Pal, S.K. "A neuro-memetic model for the prediction of drill flank wear" Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Technology Management, Mumbai, India, January 2007.
- Deb, Sankha, Ghosh, K. and Paul, S., A Neural Network based Methodology for Selection of Machining Operations in Computer-Aided Process Planning for Rotationally Symmetrical Parts, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2006, Vol. 17, pp. 573-585.
- Deb, Sankha and Ghosh, K, "Applications of Artificial Neural Network and Expert System for Intelligent Computer-Aided Process Planning of Rotationally Symmetrical Machined Components", Proceedings of All India Seminar on Recent Advances in Manufacturing Technologies, NIT Rourkela, India, October 2005.
- Deb, Sankha and Ghosh, K., Artificial Intelligence Based Inference Techniques for Automated Process Planning for Machined Parts, Proceedings of 2002 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and the Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (DETC/CIE), Montreal, Canada, September 2002. (ISBN 0-7918-3603-7)
- Deb, Sankha, Ghosh, K. and Deb, S.R. Machining Process Planning for Rotational Components by Using a Neural Network Approach, Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Montreal, Canada, November 2001.
- Devireddy, C.R., Ghosh, K. and Deb, Sankha Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Process Planning of Cylindrical Machined Components, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Durban, South Africa, July 2001. (ISBN: 1-86840-432-3)

Invited presentations/lectures
- Deb, Sankha, "Current status and emerging trends in Industrial Robotics", Invited Lecture, delivered at Short Term Course on Project and Construction Management (Mechanical) for officers from Tata Steel, organized by Mechanical Engineering Dept., IIT Kharagpur, June 2023.
- Deb, Sankha, "Current status and emerging trends of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)", Invited Lecture, delivered at Short Term Course on Project and Construction Management (Mechanical) for officers from Tata Steel, organized by Mechanical Engineering Dept., IIT Kharagpur, June 2023.
- Deb, Sankha, "Theory and Mechanisms of the robotics, Components of the robotic system, Robot programming, Motion programming, Applications of robotics in Industry on gripper technology and automation mechanisms", Invited Lecture, delivered at Six days Hands-on Training Programme on Industrial Robots for TATA Metaliks, organized by Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, IIT Kharagpur, May 2023.
- Deb, Sankha, "Fundamentals of CNC at IIT Kharagpur", Invited Lecture delivered at 5-days training programme on CNC, organized by Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, IIT Kharagpur, December 2022.
- Deb, Sankha, "Fundamentals of CNC at IIT Kharagpur", Invited Lecture delivered at 5-days training programme on CNC, organized by Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, IIT Kharagpur, July 2022.
- Deb, Sankha, "Intelligent Computer-Aided Assembly Planning Methodologies for Assembly Sequence Optimization based on Applications of Flower Pollination Algorithm", Invited Lecture delivered at Six days Online AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Optimization Techniques: Recent Trends & Applications in Engineering, MCKV Institute of Engineering Kolkata , October 2020.
- Deb, Sankha, "Automatic Robotic Sampling and Temperature Measurement System", Invited Lecture delivered at Tata Network Forum (TNF) workshop on Robotics , September 2020.
- Deb, Sankha, "Fundamentals of CNC", Invited Lecture delivered at Three-Weekend Training Programme on CNC organized by DHI Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, IIT Kharagpur , November 2019.
- Deb, Sankha, "Recent Trends in Industrial Robotics", Invited Lecture delivered at Tata Metaliks Ltd. Kharagpur , November 2019.
- Deb, Sankha, "Applications of Industrial Robotics", Invited Lecture delivered at AICTE-QIP-Short-Term Course on Robotics, IIT Kharagpur , December 2019.
- Deb, Sankha, "Scope and challenges in implementation of robotic additive manufacturing", Invited Lecture delivered at National Frontiers of Engineering INAE Symposium, IIT Guwahati , 2018.
- Deb, Sankha, "Computer-Aided Process Planning", Invited Lecture delivered at the AICTE sponsored QIP Short Term Course on Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, Department of Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, February 2010.
- Deb, Sankha , "Intelligent Set-Up Planning for Machining Prismatic Components", Invited lecture delivered at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada, June 2009.
- Deb, Sankha, "Computer-Aided Manufacturing of Scultured Surfaces of Aerospace Components", Lecture for AICTE Sponsored QIP Short Term Course on Aerospace Propulsion for Beginners, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, December 2008.
- Deb, Sankha, "An Intelligent Computer-Aided Process Planning Methodology for Cylindrical Components", 3rd National Frontiers of Engineering (NatFOE) Symposium, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, October 2008.
- Deb, Sankha, "Intelligent and Integrated Computer-Aided Process Planning" Invited lecture delivered at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada, June 2008.
- Deb, Sankha, "Materials and manufacturing practices of industrial gas turbine component,s", Invited Lecture delivered at the QIP Short Term Course on Industrial Applications on Turbomachines, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, November 2007.
- Deb, Sankha, "Intelligent Computer-Aided Process Planning", Keynote speech delivered at the International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Engineering - 2007 (ICAME - 2007), Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal, Karnataka, India, October 2007.
- Deb, Sankha, "Sensor Applications in Robotics", Invited Lecture delivered at the QIP Short Term Course on Sensors: From Fabrication to Application, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, June 2007.
- Deb, Sankha and Dixit, U.S., "Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applicaions in Manufacturing", Invited lecture delivered at the AICTE sponsored Short Term Course on Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India, March 2007.
- Deb, Sankha, "Computer-Aided Process Planning", Invited Lecture delivered at the AICTE sponsored QIP Short Term Course on Rapid Product Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, December 2006.

Technical Report
- Ghosh, K. and Deb, Sankha, "The Process Planning Function and its Use at Pratt & Whitney", Technical Report submitted to Pratt & Whitney, Montreal, Canada, May 2003.

Current Sponsored Projects:

Project Title: Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sankha Deb
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. C. S. Kumar
Value: INR 9.15 million
Sponsor: Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
Homepage: http://www.cimlab.iitkgp.ernet.in/

Project Title: Plant on a chip
Principal Investigator: Dr. Suman Chakraborty
Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Ajay M. Sidpara, Dr. Arup Kr. Das, Dr. Chirag Deepak Kalelkar, Dr. Sankha Deb and Dr. Vikranth Racherla
Value: INR 25 million
Sponsor: One-time Competitive Seed Grant for Research Infrastructure in an area of Emerging Thrust (SGDRI) of Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India.

Project Title: Robotics for advanced manufacturing applications
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sankha Deb
Co-Principal Investigators: nil
Value: INR 4.85 million
Sponsor: Centre for Excellence in Robotics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India.
Homepage: http://cfer.herokuapp.com/manufacturing.php

Project Title: Multi-Sensor Integrated Robotic System for Hazardous Jobs in Manufacturing Industry
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sankha Deb
Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Debashis Sen and Dr. Shivbrat Singh
Value: INR 22.5 million
Sponsor: Department of Heavy Industries, Govt. of India and Tata Steel Jamshedpur, India
Status: Ongoing (Commenced on 15-12-2017)

Project Title: Industrial automation based CCM runner cleaning system application
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sankha Deb
Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Debashis Sen
Value: INR 3.74 million
Sponsor: Department of Heavy Industries, Govt. of India and Tata Metaliks, Kharagpur, India
Status: Approved

Students' Guidance

Ph.D. Thesis (6 nos. completed)
- Atul Mishra (December 2012 - August 2019) - Intelligent Computer-Aided Assembly Planning methodologies for mechanical product assembly sequence optimization and robot task plan generation (at IIT Kharagpur)
- Ganesh M (December 2014 - June 2020) - Thesis: Fabrication of micro end mill tools using sequential EDM and its performance analysis (at IIT Kharagpur - co-supervisor Prof. A. M. Sidpara of Mechanical Engg. Dept.)
- A Sravan Kumar (July 2015 - February 2022) - Thesis: Burr Formation in Micro-Machining and Ultrasonic-Assisted Abrasive Micro-Deburring (at IIT Kharagpur - co-supervisor Prof. Soumitra Paul of Mechanical Engg. Dept.)
- Suman Saha (July 2016 - Dec 2022) - Thesis: Computer-Aided Process Planning for Micromachining (at IIT Kharagpur - co-supervisor Prof. P. P. Bandyopadhyay of Mechanical Engg. Dept.)
- Sainul Islam Ansary (July 2014 - March 2023) - Thesis: Design and Development of Adaptive Grippers, a Novel Grasp Planning Framework and Their Implementation for Developing a Robotic System for Object Grasping (at IIT Kharagpur - co-supervisor Prof. Alok Kanti Deb of Electrical Engg. Dept.)
- Sudipta Bhuyan (December 2015 - 2024) - Thesis: Feature Computation and Fusion Frameworks for Salient Object Detection in RGB and RGB-D Images (at IIT Kharagpur - co-supervised with Prof. Debashis Sen of Electronics and Communication Engg. Dept.)

Ph.D. Thesis (3 nos. ongoing/submitted)
- Gobinda Chandra Behera (July 2020 - ) - Thesis: Computer-Aided Process Planning
- Nitin Desai (July 2021 - ) - Thesis: Sensor Integrated Industrial Robotics (at IIT Kharagpur - co-supervising with Prof. Debashis Sen of Electronics and Communication Engg. Dept.)
- Anil Rajagopal K P (July 2022 - ) - Thesis: Computer-Aided Process Planning

M.Tech Thesis (55 completed)
- Chandreyee Bhaumik (June 2016 - May 2017) - Vision guided robotic assembly (jointly with Prof. Debashis Sen of Electronics and Communication Engg. Dept.)
- Dipan Biswas (June 2016 - May 2017) - Vision guided robotic path planning (jointly with Prof. Debashis Sen of Electronics and Communication Engg. Dept.)
- Suman Das (June 2016 - May 2017) - Design and development of multi-finger robot gripper
- Ashish Jain (June 2015 - May 2016) - Design & development of a multi-finger robot gripper for material handling applications
- Rao Sriram Reddy (June 2015 - May 2016) - Web enabled Computer-Aided Process Planning system
- Shaswat Agarwaal (June 2015 - May 2016) - Vision based automated robotic assembly (jointly with Prof. Debashis Sen of Electronics and Communication Engg. Dept.)
- Suvvada Syam Sindhu (June 2015 - May 2016) - Design of Eye Movement Control Based Electric Wheel Chair
- Asish Deep (June 2014 - May 2015) - Design and Analysis of sensor integrated Multi-finger robot grippers for manipulation of parts of different geometries in material handling applications in manufacturing
- Goutham.V.R.C (June 2014 - May 2015) - Planning and Implementation of Intelligent sensor-guided robotic assembly in a Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) environment
- Arup Ratan Das (June 2014 - May 2015) - Computer-Aided Assembly Process Planning using Knowledge Based System and Soft Computing
- Jitul Saikia (June 2014 - May 2015) - Machining of micro-moulds using EDM for micromanufacturing applications (jointly with Dr. Ajay Sidpara)
- G.V. S. K. Karthik (June 2013 - May 2014) - Assembly Sequence Planning Optimization using Soft Computing techniques
- Saurabh Kaulavkar (June 2013 - May 2014) - Machining Operation Sequence Optimization using Soft Computing techniques
- Munesh Meena (June 2013 - May 2014) - Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing System
- Rahul Singh Munda (June 2013 - May 2014) - Computer-Aided Process Planning for machined components using Knowledge Based System
- Rishabh Sharma (June 2013 - May 2014) - Computer-Aided Assembly Process Planning using Knowledge Based System
- Y.Phani Kumar (June 2012 - May 2013) - Disassembly sequence planning optimization using genetic algorithm based approach
- V.Ravi Kiran Yanamandra (June 2012 - May 2013) - A Methodology for Computer-Aided Disassembly Analysis
- Sanjib Soren (June 2012 - May 2013) - Modeling, analysis and optimization of a flexible manufacturing system
- Agradeep Das (June 2012 - May 2013) - Automatic generation of feasible assembly sequences and optimization by a genetic algorithm based approach
- Palkush Rai Chawla (May 2011 - May 2012)- Thesis: Inspection of Mechanical Components using Machine Vision
- Shirish Subramanian (May 2011 - May 2012)- Thesis: A Novel Genetic Algorithm Based Approach to Computerized Assembly Planning
- M. Anantha Raja (May 2010 - May 2012)- Intelligent Process Planning for Layered Manufacturing
- Shashikant Burnwal (May 2010 - May 2011) Thesis: Scheduling Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing System by using a Cuckoo Search (CS) based approach
- Vipul Jain (May 2010 - May 2011)- Knowledge based decision support system for selection of Layered Manufacturing Process
- N. Kanthikar (May 2010 - May 2011)- Thesis: Modeling and Analysis of a Three Finger Robot Gripper
- Chandan Kumar (May 2009 - May 2010)- An Intelligent Methodology for Set-up Planning Optimization in Prismatic Parts Using Genetic Algorithm
- Abhishek Basu (May 2009 - May 2010)- An intelligent approach for part machine grouping using neural networks
- Abhishek Kumar (May 2009 - May 2010)- A Methodology for Computer-Aided Mechanical Assembly Process Planning
- Kumar Ritwik (May 2009 - May 2010)- Optimization of Scheduling in Job Shop Manufacturing Environment: A Genetic Algorithm based Approach
- Sachin Prakash (May 2009 - May 2010)- Development of a fuzzy-set based Computer-Aided Process Planning methodology for machining prismatic parts
- Amit Kumar (May 2009 - May 2010)- Design Optimization of two-finger robotic gripper (co-supervising with Prof. D. K. Pratihar)
- Pankaj K. Singh (May 2009 - May 2010)- Novel Actuation Mechanism for Movement of Legs / Flapping of Wings for Miniaturized Robots (co-supervising with Dr. V. Racherla)
- Manoj Kumar Sinha (May 2007 - June 2008)- Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Multi-hole Extrusion Process (at IIT Guwahati - jointly guided with Prof. U. S. Dixit)
- M. Ramamurthy Naik (May 2006 - June 2007)- Prediction of Surface Roughness and Cutting Forces in Micro-end-milling Operations (at IIT Guwahati - jointly guided with Prof. U. S. Dixit)

B.Tech (45 completed)
- Adda Sri Sesha Lakshman (July 2016 - May 2017) - Robotic assembly sequence optimization
- Waghe Shubham Yatindra (July 2016 - May 2017) - Computer-Aided Assembly Sequence Planning
- Mehul Kumar (July 2016 - May 2017) - Design of multi-finger robot gripper
- Pharande Rohit Sandip (July 2016 - May 2017) - Robotic Assembly Rask Level Planning
- Chandreyee Bhaumik (July 2015 - May 2016) - Scheduling optimization of Flexible Manufacturing System using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique
- Jitendra Marndi and Ravi Yadav (July 2015 - May 2016) - Computer-Aided Feature Extraction and Process Planning for Machined Parts
- Ayush Chhaparia (July 2014 - May 2015) - Design and Development of a Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robot
- Surya De (July 2014 - May 2015) - Design of a robot gripper for handling randomly shaped objects
- Prabudhya Roy Chowdhury (July 2014 - May 2015) - Design of a Tendon Driven Multifinger Gripper Mechanism
- Ashish Jain (July 2014 - May 2015) - Design and Analysis of Multi-finger robot gripper for material handling applications in manufacturing
- Thavva Avinash (July 2014 - May 2015) - A Soft Computing Based Approach for Optimization of Sequence of Machining Operations
- Vivek Ranjan Das (July 2014 - May 2015) - Scheduling Optimization of a Flexible manufacturing System
- Pamarthi Babu Viswa Vardhan (July 2014 - May 2015) - Computer-Aided Process Planning For Assembly of Mechanical Components in A CIM Environment
- Kaushik Mandula (July 2013 - May 2014) - Automated cutting tool sequence optimization for milling 2.5D pockets using multiple tools
- Rudresh Chandra Suman (July 2013 - May 2014) - Automated Selection of Optimal Set of Cutting Tools for 2.5D Pocket milling
- Siva Praneeth V. (July 2012 - May 2013) - Design of robotic gripper and strategy for gripper selection
- Nishant Saurabh (July 2012 - May 2013) - Computer-Aided Process Planning optimization
- Deepak Verma (July 2012 - May 2013) - Automatic Feature extraction for CAD/CAM Integration
- Tanmay Tanuj (July 2011 - May 2012) - An approach to extract machining features from a CAD model for automating process planning
- Himanshu Patidar (July 2011 - May 2012) - Design and Conceptualization of a Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robot
- Nikhil Kaushik (July 2010 - May 2011)- Multi-Agent Based Approach to Automate Setup Planning in a Computer Aided Process Planning System
- Palkush Rai Chawla (July 2010 - May 2011)- Design and Conceptualization of a Modular Self Reconfigurable Robot
- Peeyush Agarwal (July 2010 - May 2011)- Optimization of Laminated Object Manufacturing Process using Genetic Algorithm (jointly guided with Prof. A. Roy Choudhury)
- Ankur Edkie (July 2009 - May 2010) - Prototype Design and Development of a Pipe Climbing Robot
- Devashish Das (July 2009 - May 2010) - Particle swarm based reinforced learning approach for operation sequencing in process planning
- Devashish Verma (July 2009 - May 2010) - A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Part Machine grouping
- Karthik K. (July 2009 - May 2010) - An approach to manufacturing feature extraction from CAD files for process planning
- Ruchir Prasoon (July 2009 - May 2010) - A prior knowledge based Sexual Genetic Algorithm for assembly sequence optimization
- Shashikant Burnwal (July 2009 - May 2010) - Development of Multi-finger Robot Hand
- Shree Kant Das (July 2009 - May 2010) - A methodology for web based manufacturing for automatic process plan generation
- Vaibhav Maheshwari (July 2009 - May 2010) - Conflict free routes for Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) systems: An approach towards developing a time efficient algorithm in job scheduling
- Kshitij Maheshwari and Sourabh Boruah (July 2007 - May 2008) - A Methodology for Generation of Sequences of Assembly Operations for Mechanical Parts (at IIT Guwahati)
- Rohit Mittal and Priyesh Sinha (July 2007 - May 2008) - Robot Path Planning Using Ant Colony Optimization Technique (at IIT Guwahati)
Deepankar Garg, Jaspreet Singh and Sudhanshu Kumar (July 2006 - May 2007) - Multi - objective Job-shop Scheduling using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique (at IIT Guwahati)
- G.Sasi Sekhar and K.V.Manoj (July 2006 - May 2007) - Optimization of Set-up Plans in Computer-Aided Process Planning Systems for Machining Based on Ant Colony Optimization Technique (at IIT Guwahati)

Professional Activities

Journal Editorial Work
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems

Memberships of Professional Socities
- Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Member, IEEE
- Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

Short Term Course Organization
- Joint Course Coordinator, Short Term Course on "Machine Vision for Robot Applications in Manufacturing", IIT Kharagpur, May 18-20, 2023
- Joint Course Coordinator, 5 day Hands-on Training Program on CNC, IIT Kharagpur, July 4-8, 2022.
- Joint Course Coordinator, AICTE sponsored QIP Short Term Course on "Introduction to Micromanufacturing Technologies", Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, February 24-28, 2008

Technical Conference Organization
- Member, International Advisory Council, 28 th International Conference on CADCAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future to be held in India, 2016.
- Session Chair of a Technical Session on Rapid Response Manufacturing, 4th International & 25th AIMTDR Conference, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, 2012.
- Session Chair of two technical sessions, International Conference on Computational Methods in Manufacturing (ICCMM2011), IIT Guwahati, India, 2011.
- Member, Peer Review Committee, 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Intelligent Systems, Coimbatore, India, 2011
- Member, Advisory Committee, National Conference on Recent Advances In Mechanical Engineering (RAIME 08), Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu, India, 2008.
- Session Chair, Advances in Manufacturing, International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Engineering (ICAME 2007) Manipal, Karnataka, India, 2007.
- Member, International Advisory Council, International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Engineering (ICAME 2007), Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India, 2007.
- Member, Technical Sessions Committee, 2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS- 06), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, 2006.
- Member, Organizing Committee, First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI'05), Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, 2005.
- Session Chair, Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, 29th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 2001.

Administrative Responsibilities at IIT Kharagpur
- Course Adviser of M.Tech program in Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (since July 2021)
- Faculty Adviser of B.Tech 2011 Batch of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
- Joint Undergraduate Examinations Co-ordinator, Department of Mechanical Engineering (since November 2009)
- Joint B.Tech Projects Coordinator, Department of Mechanical Engineering (July 2009 to July 2011)
- Member, Time-Table Committee, Manufacturing Sc. Section, Department of Mechanical Engineering (November 2009 to July 2011)
- Professor-in-Charge, Workshop, Department of Mechanical Engineering (July 2009 to December 2009)

Awards and Honours
- Visiting Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Canada (June 2009)
- Visiting Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, Canada (June 2008)
- Member, Indian Delegation, nominated by UK Science and Innovation Network to participate in the joint UK-India workshop on distributed manufacturing , jointly organised by Royal Academy of Engineering and Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) in London, UK from June 16 - 19, 2014
- Second best paper award at International Conference of Agile Manufacturing (ICAM 2012) held in IIT BHU, Varanasi, India in December 2012
- Named as a member of the IBC Top 100 Engineers by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 2011
- Biography listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World, 28th Edition, USA, 2011
- Reciepient, Ph.D. Research Scholarship (1999-2005) from Department of Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, Universite de Montreal, Canada.
- Recipient, Merit Scholarship (1992-96) to pursue undergraduate study from National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India.
- Recipient, National Prize from Government of India for marks obtained in Higher Secondary Exam, 1992.

Copyright 2006-2025  Sankha Deb
Last modified: January 2025

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