Prof. G P Raja Sekhar
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur - 721302 (India)
Professor, Department of Mathematics
rajas @
+91 3222 - 283684
+91 3222 - 255303
- PDE Theory and Applications
- Fluid Mechanics
- Boundary Integral Methods
Current Area of Research
- Biphasic mixture theory to deformable porous media
- Thermocapillary migration of viscous drops
- Modeling flow through anisotropic porous media
- Multiphase flows
Visits Abroad
Workshops / Conferences
Professional Services
- President, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), India, 2020.
- Secretary, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), India, January 2010 -January 2013.
- Treasurer, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), India, January 2006 - January 2008.