![G P Raja Sekhar G P Raja Sekhar](http://www.facweb.iitkgp.ac.in/~rajas/images/gprs_3.jpg)
Prof. G P Raja Sekhar
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur - 721302 (India)
Professor, Department of Mathematics
rajas @ iitkgp.ac.in
+91 3222 - 283684
+91 3222 - 255303
- PDE Theory and Applications
- Fluid Mechanics
- Boundary Integral Methods
Current Area of Research
- Biphasic mixture theory to deformable porous media
- Thermocapillary migration of viscous drops
- Modeling flow through anisotropic porous media
- Multiphase flows
Visits Abroad
Workshops / Conferences
Conferences / Workshops Organized
- Organizing Secretary: 85th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society (IMS) 2019, 22 - 25 November 2019.
- Co-ordinator: AICTE sponsored short term course on Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, 24 - 28 August 2018(other Co-ordinators: Dr T Raja Sekhar, Dr Rajesh Kannan.
- Co-ordinator: TEQUIP sponsored short term course on Differential Equations - Theory, Computation and Applications, February 27-March 03,2017 (other Co-ordinator: Dr J Kumar).
- Co-ordinator: Ongoing Memorandum of Understanding, University of Bremen, Germany
- Secretary, 57th congress of ISTAM, 17-20 December 2012, DIAT Pune, India.
- Secretary, National Meet of Research Scholars in Mathematical Sciences, (DST), IIT Kharagpur, 12-15 October 2011.
- Secretary, 56th congress of ISTAM, 19-2 December 2011, SVNIT Surat, India.
- Secretary, 55th congress of ISTAM, 19-22 December 2010, NIT Hamirpur, India.
- Organizer, Workshop on Interfaces in Multiphase Flow, 1-2 July, 2010, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- Convenor, Regional Symposium of Mathematics 2010, IIT Kharagpur, 15-17 January 2010..
- Organized a workshop "GANITH", 3 July 2005, Adivivaram Gurukula Patasala, Visakhapatnam..
- Organized a workshop "GANITH", 7-8 May 2005, Chodavaram, Visakhapatnam..
- Joint-Secretary, ICADS 2002, IIT Kharagpur, 22- 24, December 2002.
- Secretary, Mathworx 2002, IIT Kharagpur, 13 - 14 July 2002.
- Secretary, POLYGON (Mathematics Workshop), IIT Kharagpur, 13th October 2001.
- Member, Organizing Committee, Mathworx 2k+1 (Mathematics Workshop), IIT Kharagpur, 14-15 July 2001.