PC Member - www'21, SDM'21, AAAI (Area Chair)'21, www'20, SDM'20
www'19, JCDL'19, JCDL'18, AAAI'18, AAAI'17, AAAI'16, www'16 (poster), WebSci'16, CODS'16, NCC'16, COMAD'16
CSoNet’15, NetSciCom'15, CODS'15, COMSNETS' 15, ICDCN' 15, NCC'15
COMAD'14, SASO'14, WiOpt' 14, NetScicom'14, CCNC 2014, CODS'14, ICDCN 2014,
ICDCN 2013, PSOSM'13, SAOS 2013, SASO 2013, NetSciCom 2013, ACM DEV'13
CODIS 2012, SASO-2012, MDM-2012,
AWARE-2011, NetSciCom 2011, BADS 2011,
SSIC 2010, BADS 2010, ICDCIT 2010,
IWAP2P09, Bionetics 2009, BICC 2009, TIC-STH 2009, CICS 2009, CEC2009, Emerging2009, BADS 2009, EUC 2009, Textgraph 2009,
PERADA 2008, Bionetics 2008, Bionetics 2007, Bionetics 2006
Organizing Committee Member
CODS-COMAD'18 - General Chair, CODS-COMAD'20 & '21 - Sponsorship chair
Comsnets'17 - General Chair
NetSciCom'16 - A workshop of Infocom - TPC Chair
Comsnet'16 TPC Chair
www'15 - Poster Chair
Comsnet'15 Social Network Workshop Chair,
ACM DEBS'14 (Phd Forum Chair), NOT''13, WOSC'12,
Dynamics on and of Networks - V 2011, Dynamics on and of Network - IV 2010,
Dynamics on and of network- III 2009, ICDCN 2009, Dynamics on and of network- II 2008, Dynamics on and of network - I 2007,
Asian Test Symposium, (2005), European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (2005),
Invited Talks in Workshops -
1. |
Social Networking Workshop, COMSNETS'16 | Jan 9, 2016 |
2. |
TCS TACTICS Conference on Social Media Analytics | Sangam Auditorium, Yantra Park, Thane, Jan 4-5, 2016 |
3. |
Indo-US Bilateral
Workshop on Large Scale Complex Network Analysis |
ISI Kolkata, 19-120 December, 2015 |
4. |
IEEE Ants 2015 | ISI Kolkata, 15-18 December, 2015 |
5. |
Machine Learning and Complex Networks | IIT KGP, March 5-7, 2015 |
IISC, 16th January, 2014 |
7. |
MIKE 2013 : International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration | VHNSN College [Autonomous], Virudhunagar, India, December 18-20, 2013, |
8. |
PReMI. International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine |
ISI, Kolkata , 10-14 December,
2013 |
9. |
National Systems Conference |
Centre of Excellence in Systems Science, IIT Jodhpur 05-07 December, 2013 |
10. |
Leveraging Bipartite network to investigate the dynamical properties of Socio-technical systems | Samsung, India Research Network (IRN) Meeting on IT Convergence, Nov 18, 2013 |
11. | Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics | University of Hyderabad, HYDERABAD. 15 - 18 July, 2013 |
12. |
Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, Jan 24, 2013 |
13. |
IIT-M, February 20-24, 2012 |
14. |
School on Network Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, |
IISC, Bangalore, January 02 - 06, 2012 |
15. |
Workshop on Networks: Structure and Function, In Honour of Prof. R. E. Amritkar |
IISC, Bangalore, Nov 04-05, 2011. |
16. |
IMSC, Sept 20-22, 2010 |
Summer Solstice 2009 International Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems, |
Gdansk, Poland, June 24- 26, 2009 |
18. |
NISTADS, Delhi, January 28-30, 2009 |
19. |
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. 7-13 January, 2008 |
20. |
16-17 March 2007. |
21. |
September 4-6, 2006 |
Reviewer - Journal of Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, IEEE Transaction on Mobile
Computing, Computer Networks, Physica A, Fundamentae Informaticae,
Transaction on SMC-B etc.
Organizing Committee Member - Bitwise 2009, Bitwise 2008, 25 years of CSE, Bitwise 2007, Bitwise 2006
Tutorials offered - Social Networks - NCC'2014
Social Network inspired Models
of NLP and Language Evolution - IJCNLP, Jan 7, 2008,
Practical Applications of
Complex Network Theory - ICDCN Jan 5, 2008, Kolkata
Miscellaneous Complex Systems Summer Schools, Santafe, USA, June 5 to July 1, 2005 - Participant.