CS 11001 Programming and Data Structure
(Spring Semester 2010)
Niloy Ganguly (NG) niloy@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in
Teaching Assistant
Anurag Mark, Tushar Sahoo
       Class Room/Hour
Class Room/Hours
Wed - 5, Fri - 2,3, Room F116
Contact : Room #313 (CSE), Phone 83460
A list of useful books and materials is given below.
A Book on C - Al Kelley & Ira Pohl, 4th Edition, Pearson
Education, Asia
Programming With C - B.S. Gottfried, Schaum’s Outline
Series, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1991.
The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition (Ansi C), -
B. W. Kernighan & D. M. Ritchie, Prentice Hall
Data Structures using C and C++, 2nd Edition - Langsam,
Augenstein & Tenenbaum, PHI
1 |
6.1.10 |
7.1.10 |
8.1.10 |
21.1.10 |
27.1.10 |
Loops |
28.1.10 |
Loops |
03.2.10 |
Functions |
04.2.10 |
Functions (Call By Reference) |
05.2.10 |
Array (1 -dimensional) |
10.2.10 |
Array (1 dimensional) |
11.2.10 |
Functions (recursion) |
12.2.10 |
Array (1 dimensional) |
17.2.10 |
Array (character array) |
18.2.10 |
Array (Two Dimensional) |
24.3.10 |
Structures |
26.3.10 |
Structures/ Stack |
31.3.10 |
Stack/Queue |
1.4.10 |
Stack/Queue |