Speech and Natural Language Processing - CS60057

(Autumn Semester 2017)

Niloy Ganguly (NG) niloy@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in

Teaching Assistant

Abhipsa Basu - abhipsabasu@gmail.com

Patel Bhargavkumar Kanubhai - bhargav079@gmail.com

Vonteru Kondalarao -

Amrith Krishna - krishnamrith12@gmail.com


Class Room/Hours

Room : NC141
Units : 3-0-0
Credits : 3, Slot - G
Contact : Room #313 (CSE), Phone 83460

Books and Resources

A list of useful books and materials is given below.

Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. 2009. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition, and Computational Linguistics. 2nd edition. Prentice-Hall.
Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schütze. 1999. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. MIT Press.

Evaluation (Tentative)

Mid-sem: 25

End-sem : 45

Term Project : 30

