Here is a short list of useful commands that you can use from your shell (in addition to running emacs and compiling and running your program).
mkdir progs
cd progs/
Every directory provides you access to two directories: . (the current directory) and .. (the parent directopry).
ls -lF
Note that ls -F, ls -l, ls -al, ls -alF etc and even simply ls also work. Try out and find the differences. In fact, the ls takes a lot of other options.
cat filename
cp file1.c file2.c cp file2.c mydir/file3.c
mv file1.c file2.c mv file2.c mydir/ cd mydir/ mv file2.c ../file1.c cd ../
rm filename
Note: A deleted (by rm) or overwritten (by mv) file is lost for ever. In no way you can get it back. Be very, very careful, before running these commands.