Prescribed Viewing:
[L17], [L18], [L19], [L20], [L21], [L22], [L23], [L24]
Since the live session on Sep. 19 could not be held, the following lectures are also prescribed for Week 3:
[L25], [L26], [L27]
Live Sessions:
- Sep. 15 (Tuesday): 12 noon to 1 PM
- No attendance; not meant for all students
- Primarily meant for newly registered PhD students
- Doubt clearing on Mathematical Preliminaries and Kinematics
- Sep. 17 (Thursday): 5 PM to 6 PM
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on theory from [L17] to [L24]
Sep. 19 (Saturday): 9 AM to 10:30 AM
Assignment 1
- To be released on Sep. 15 (Tuesday) by 8 PM.
- Submission due on Sep. 18 (Friday) 11:55 PM.
- Coverage of Assignment 1: Mathematical Preliminaries and Kinematics
- Newly registered Ph.D. students are exempted from Assignment 1.
Prescribed Viewing:
[L28], [L29], [L30], [L31], [L32]
Live Sessions:
- Sep. 21 (Monday): 8:30 AM to 10 AM
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on PS3 (Stress)
- Sep. 24 (Thursday): 5 PM to 6 PM
- No attendance
- Doubt clearing on theory from [L28] to [L32]
Sep. 26 (Saturday): 9 AM to 10:30 AM
Prescribed Viewing:
[L33], [L34], [L35], [L36], [L37], [L38], [L39]
Live Sessions:
- Sep. 28 (Monday): 8:30 AM to 10 AM
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on PS4
- Sep. 29 (Tuesday): 12 noon to 1 PM
- Oct. 1 (Thursday): 5 PM to 6 PM
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on theory from 2D Elasticity
Prescribed Viewing:
[L40], [L41], [L42], [L43]
Live Sessions:
- Oct. 5 (Monday): 8:30 AM to 10 AM
- Attendance will be taken
- Finishing PS4; Doubt clearing on 2D Elasticity; Doubt clearing on using Jupyter Notebook
- Oct. 6 (Tuesday): 12 noon to 1 PM
- Attendance will be taken
- Discussion of common mistakes from Assignment 1 submission
- Doubt clearing on pre-recorded lecture videos on using Jupyter Notebook
- Oct. 8 (Thursday): 5 PM to 6 PM
- No attendance will be taken
- Discussion on using Jupyter Notebook; focus on [L43]
Assignment 2
- To be released on Oct. 6 (Tuesday) by 8 PM.
- Submission due on Oct. 9 (Friday) 11:55 PM.
Prescribed Viewing:
[L44], [L45], [L46],
Live Sessions:
- Oct. 12 (Monday): 8:30 AM to 10 AM
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on PS5
- Second hard deadline on formation of groups for Term Project
- Oct. 13 (Tuesday): 12 noon to 1 PM
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on 2D elasticity in polar coordinates
- Oct. 15 (Thursday): 5 PM to 6 PM (Class cancelled)
Prescribed Viewing:
[L47], [L48] Students who could not attend the Live Sessions on Oct. 19 and 20, must go through the recordings of the Live Sessions (already uploaded in MS Teams)
Live Sessions:
- Oct. 19 (Monday): 8:30 AM to 10 AM
- Attendance will be taken
- Solution of curved bar with horizontal loading
- Doubt clearing
- Oct. 20 (Tuesday): 12 noon to 1 PM
- Attendance will be taken
- Problem discussions
- Oct. 22 (Thursday)
- Submission of initial term project idea
- Follow the instructions in the term project document
- Deadline: 11 PM
- Oct. 29 (Thursday): 5 PM to 6 PM
Prescribed Viewing:
[L49], [L50], [L51], [L52], [L53], [L54]
Live Sessions:
- Nov. 2 (Monday): 8:30 AM to 10 AM
- No attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on 2D elasticity
- Doubt clearing on [L49], [L50]
- Nov. 3 (Tuesday): 12 noon to 1 PM
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on [L51], [L52]; associated discussions
- Nov. 5 (Thursday): 5 PM to 6 PM
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on [L53], [L54]; associated discussions
Term Project:
- Nov. 3 (Tuesday):
- Finalization of term project idea
Prescribed Viewing:
[L55], [L56]
Live Sessions:
- Nov. 10 (Tuesday):
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on [L55] and [L56] and others, if any
- Nov. 12 (Thursday):
- Attendance will be taken
- Doubt clearing on [L55] and [L56] and others, if any