Jagadish S., Biswas P.K., Mukherjee Jayanta and Chatterji,B.N. (1995):
Surface characterization and parameter estimation for industrial vision system, Sadhana,
vol. 20, part 5, pp. 759-780.
In this paper we have presented some geometric techniques to characterize and
parametrize surfaces of industrial parts in range images. The surfaces are
characterized to one of plane, sphere, cylinder and cone, because they form
the majority of object surfaces in man-made industrial parts. The problem has
been studied for two different situations. In the first case, a priori knowledge
about the surface shape is assumed. In such a situation the problem of surface
characterization reduces to that of surface parameter estimation. The standard
deviation of the estimated parameters give a measure of uncertainty of
characterizing a surface patch to one of the four surface types. In the second
case, no a priori information regarding the shape of a surface is available.
This includes partially visible surfaces also. To deal with such a situation,
a fuzzy classifier is designed using the uncertainty values. The fuzzy classifier classifies the unknown surface patch (including partially visible surfaces)
to one of the four surface types. Experimental results with synthetic range images are presented to highlight the distinctive features of our technique.