Visual Information Processing (VIP) Laboratory

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

StaVer Anveshak Groundtruth

Anveshak is used to generate groundtruth for the StaVer dataset. The images in the dataset consist of various regions like logo, headers, text, signature, headline, bold text, etc. However, annotation of stamp regions is only available with the original dataset. The dataset consists of 425 scanned images in $600$, $300$, and $200$ $dpi$ resolutions. Out of these 425 images, 344 images contain non overlapping regions. Anveshak is used to annotate these 344 images of 300 dpi resolution.

Downloads (Right click to view/download)

Original StaVer Data

Download Groundtruh Data

Download Groundtruh Data from GIT

For any queries, please contact:

  • Soumyadeep Dey
    School of Information Technology
    Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
    Email: soumyadeepdey AT gmail DOT com
  • Jayanta Mukherjee
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
    Email: jay AT cse DOT iitkgp DOT ernet DOT in
  • Shamik Sural
    School of Information Technology
    Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
    Email: shamik AT sit DOT iitkgp DOT ernet DOT in