Announcements | Embedded Systems Laboratory | Quick Links |
Coming up in an OBE format!
*OBE is outcome-based education according to Washington Accord 14 July 2017 Classes start on Thu, 20 July 2017. |
Autumn 2017 Subject Type: Core | LTP: 0-0-3 | Credits: 2 Location: RTES Lab, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur Time: Slot N / Thu (02:00 PM - 04:55 PM) Instructor: Dr. Debdoot Sheet TA(s): Kausik Das, Aupendu Kar Grading: Attendance 10%, Experiments 80%, Viva voce 10% |
Arduino IDE
Fritzing Processing E-copy of the books are available at the local repository on Lab |
Why this subject? | |
Embedded systems are modularly integrated small digital processor or controller based systems along with specialized electronic circuits for interfacing with other embedded systems, sensors, communication lines, etc. The objective of this laboratory course is to provide students with an understanding of developing such modular systems. We would be using the standard reference of an 8-bit microcontroller based open-source embedded system development board to explain the various concepts through laboratory exercises and a capstone project.
Text books: [1]. M. Banzi, M. Shiloh, Make: Getting Started with Arduino, 3 Ed, Make, 2015. [2]. D. Wilcher, Make: Basic Arduino Projects, Make, 2014. [3]. K. Karvinen, T. Karvinen, Make: Getting Started with Sensors, Make, 2014. [4]. C. Pfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things, O'Reilly, 2011. Measure of Outcome: A student undertaking this subject would be graded based on perfromance in all of the following: (1) Regular participation in class activity. (2) Timely submission of all experiments in class. (3) Development of a capstone project. (4) Appear for the viva voce exam. Code of Conduct: * Experiments are to be performed individually. * At the start of a day, issue a kit-box and sign on the issue register. * Do not issue the same box every day. * Before issuing check the contents of the box as mentioned on it. * If you find some component in your kit malfunctioning, bring it to the note of the TA immediately. * Return the box with all components in it at the end of the lab. * Once an experiment is completed, get yourself evaluated by any one of the TA. * Move from one experiment to the next as you complete. |
Sensor interface with a microcontroller board Display driver and interface Motor driver interface Internet-of-things (IOT) Interactive control of microcontroller User interface (UI) design Modular design of embedded system |
1. Familiarization with Arduino | a. Familiarization with the Arduino Uno board and the Arduino IDE
b. Blinking an LED c. Using a push button (4x4 matrix keypad) as a toggle switch to control an LED d. Controlling the brightness of an LED with PWM e. Making a Macbook like breathing light with PWM |
[1]. 1-5 |
2. Sample hold switches and optical sensors | a. Interfacing a push button switch
b. Long hold properties of switch using a capacitor c. Interfacing an LDR for light control d. Displaying light intensity on PC via serial monitor |
[2]. 1-2 |
3. Ohmmeter | a. Building the basic circuit for an Ohmmeter
b. Displaying resistance on PC via serial monitor c. Interfacing an LCD d. Display the resistance on LCD e. Sound the buzzer on short-circuit |
[2]. 13-14 |
4. Thermometer | a. Interfacing a temperature sensor (LM35)
b. Displaying temperature on PC via serial monitor c. Interfacing to PC with Processing d. Display the temperature value with changing color in Processing e. Sound the buzzer when temperature is high |
[2]. 20 [3]. 2/Project 11 |
5. Proximity and Range Sensing | a. Interfacing a passive infra-red (PIR) proximity sensor
b. Display PIR activation on PC via serial monitor c. Display PIR activation on PC via Processing d. Interfacing an ultrasonic range sensor (HC-SR04) e. Activate ultrasonic range sensor when PIR is activated f. Display range measurement on PIR activation on PC via serial monitor g. Display range measurement as color changing animation on PC via Processing |
[3]. 2/Project 7, 12 |
6. Humidity, Moisture, Gas Sensing, Accelero-/Gyro, Magnetometer | a. Interfacing a humidity sensor (DHT11) and display on PC via serial monitor
b. Interfacing a soil moisture sensor and display on PC via serial monitor c. Interfacing a gas sensor (MQ7) and display on PC via serial monitor d. Interfacing accelero-/gyro (GY521 MPU6050) and magnetometer (HMC 5883L) and display on PC via serial monitor e. Interfacing all the sensors and display on PC via Processing |
7. Tunable Signal Generator | a. Interface a DAC 0808 with Arduino and a resistive load
b. Generate an analog value transmitted from PC via serial monitor c. Generate a sinusiodal wave at a given frequency transmitted from PC via serial monitor d. Control the amplitude of the sinusoidal wave using a variable resistor e. Control the frequency of the sinusoidal source using a variable resistor |
8. DC Motor Speed Control | a. Interfacing a DC motor driver (L293D)
b. Driving a DC motor based fan using the motor driver c. Controlling the fan motor speed using PWM sent from PC via serial monitor d. Controlling the fan motor speed based on temperature sensing with LM35 |
9. Camera module interface | a. Interfacing a camera module (OV7670)
b. Importing the image as a text file and displaying an image on PC c. Add a push switch to trigger camera when to take an image |
10. Bluetooth interface to smartphone | a. Interfacing a Bluetooth module (HC05) to your (Android) smartphone using Blynk
b. Controlling a LED using Bluetooth from Smartphone c. Interfacing an LDR and temperature sensor (LM35) with Smartphone using Bluetooh and Blynk |
Blynk for Bluetooth control on Arduino |
The aim is to teach students fundamentals of Embedded System Design. It would be beneficial to students opting for specialization in microcontroller based designs, IoT, sensor networks, communication system design, etc., who can use the gained skills in order to develop newer technological innovations and regularize their high-throughput translation and usage. | On completion of the course, a student would be able to:
1. Explain and discuss the engineering principles of microcontroller based embedded syetem design. 2. Demonstrate the ability of interfacing sensors to microcontrollers and analyzing signals in digital domain using their foundations of linear algebra and signal processing. 3. Design and develop new techniques for improved interfacing and inter device communication and connection towards internet of things. |