Research Area

Development of atomically thin (two-dimentional:2D) materials  

Since the discovery of graphene, the science community started exploring the different classes of atomically thin materials (2D Materials). The high surface area/volume of these 2D materials can be utilized for various applications.  Our team is exploring innovative 2D materials consisting of oxide, tellurides, carbides, TMD, and nitrides etc.

Additive Manufacturing of composite for environment, electronics and energy applications                     

Metal-intermetallic based high-temperature in-situ composite                                                 

The high-temperature strength of Eutectic alloys attracted the attention of metallurgist community. Such class of alloys can have high strength as compared to conventional alloys, but room temperature ductility is posses a big challenge. The ternary alloy system provides addition degree of freedom to tune the composition and hence microstructure, which can enhance the plasticity. In the current project, our team is looking to develop Al, Cu, Ti, Ni, Nb and Co-based alloys with eutectic microstructure.

Structure and properties correlation of nanoparticles                                                                     

The extraordinary physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles (metal and ceramics) can be utilized for various application starting from structural to biomedical. There are several methods of engineering size, surface, the composition has been developed in recent past. In the current project, our team is trying to develop different innovative methods to synthesize nanoparticles in large quantity using chemical synthesis and mechanical milling etc. The various properties of these nanoparticles are explored and corrected with its size, surface, morphology, composition etc.

Formation of large scale colloids in Cryomilling (Keshab et. al. MSE A)

Bio-inspired innovative sustainable materials development                                                                  

Nature always designed materials with well optimized structures/architectures. The optimum mechanical and functional properties can be observed in different natural materials. In the current project, the team tried to understand such materials and design bio-inspired materials. We utilize waste materials to develop/synthesize unique green materials using energy-efficient and low-cost processes.

Materials Science and engineering for society                                                                  

Under this theme, we would like to explore the possibility of usages of our materials understanding to solve the problem for society/humanity. We have been working on beneficiation of e-waste using environmental friending techniques, porous materials for CO2 absorption and conversion of waste materials into useful energy source etc.

e-waste, Tiwary et. al. Mat. Today 2017