Chapters | Videos |
1 | Electromechanical instruments Chapter 3 of David Bell's Book Sections to read: 3-2 (operating forces only), 3-3, 3-4, 3-5 (Only simple attraction and siple repulsion type), 3-6(Excluding Quadrant-type Electrostatic Voltmeter), 3-8 |
Problem Set | ||
2 | Electromechanical Ammmeters, Voltmeters and Ohmmeters
Chapter 4 of David Bell's Book Sections to read: 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5 |
Problem Set | |||
3 | Low, Medium and High Resistance Measurement
Chapter 8 of David Bell's Book Sections to read: 8-1, 8-2, 8-3 (Only four-terminal Resistors and Kelvin Bridge), 8-5 (only Voltmeter and Ammeter Method and Guard wire and Guard Ring), 8-6 (if time permits only Hand-cranked Megohmmeter) |
Problem Set | |||
4 | Electro-mechanical wattmeters and energy meters
Chapter 16 of David Bell's Book Sections to read: 16-1, 16-2, 16-3 (if time permits), 16-4 (excluding single wattmeter method), 16-5, 16-7 (excluding energy meter error sources and correction) |
Problem Set | |||
5 | Potentiometers: DC and AC
Chapter 14 of David Bell's Book Sections to read: 14-3 (Basic DC Potentiometer), 14-4 (Kelvin-Varley Voltage Divider), 14-5, Additional: Question: Why or when Potentiometers are used? Ans: No loading current |
Problem Set Quiz |
6 | Impedence Measurement: AC Bridges
Chapter 9-10 of David Bell's Book Sections to read: 9-1, Chapter 10 Completely, DON'T Memorize the names of the bridges. We shall never ask you to draw Maxwell, Anderson, Carey-Foster, ... bridges DO
Problem Set | |||
7 | Instrument transformers: CT & PT What you should know
9 | Miscellaneous Magnetic Measurement: Chapter 17 of David Bell's Book Sections to read: 17-2 (Hall effect Sensor), 17-3 (Magnetic Fulx measuremet with a Ballistic Galvanometer) |
8 | Measurement errors
Chapter 2 of David Bell's Book Sections to read: 2-3, |
Problem Set | |||
Laboratory Manual | Video-Assistance (Background Theory) | |
1 | Measurement of self-Inductance by Maxwell Bridge | |
2 | Calibration of a Wattmeter with a DC Potentiometer | |
3 | Wien Robinson's Frequency Bridge | |
4 | Experimental determination of the Parameters of Dynamics of a Galvanometer | |
5 | Single-Phase Energy Meter | |
6 | Virtual Instrumentation using Labview | |
7 | Electronic Voltmeter circuits | |
8 | Load Cell | |
9 | Linear Capacitance meter with IC 555 timer | |
10 | V-f and f-V Conversion using LM331 | |
12 | Instrumentation Amplifier |