I am an Associate Professor at the Advanced Technology Development Centre (ATDC), IIT
Kharagpur. I joined the institute in December, 2019. Since January 2021, I am also associated with the Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence (CoEAI), IIT Kharagpur, as a Joint Faculty.
Previously, after
submitting my PhD in 2011, I worked briefly as a Visiting Scientist with the Advanced Computing
and Micro-electronics Unit (ACMU), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India,
and then at Samsung India Software Operations (SISO), Bangalore where I worked for
one year as a Chief Engineer with the Android Platforms Group. Before joining IIT Kharagpur, I worked with the Dept. of Computer Science and Enginneering, IIT Guwahati for seven years, first as Assistant Professor and subsequently as Associate Professor.