Run using Octave GUI v6.1.0
x = -1; y = -1;
A = [[0, 1-3*y**2]; [-1, -2*y]];
[v, lam] = eig(A);
Diagonal Matrix -0.73205 0 0 2.73205 -0.93907 0.59069 -0.34372 -0.80690
x = linspace(-3, 3, 100); y = linspace(-3, 3, 100);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
U = Y-Y.^3;
V = -X-Y.^2;
x1 = linspace(min(x), max(x), 20);
y1 = linspace(min(y), max(y), 20);
[X1, Y1] = meshgrid(x1,y1);
streamline(X, Y, U, V, [X1], [Y1]);
daspect([1 1 1]);
x = linspace(-6, 6, 100); y = linspace(-3, 3, 100);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
U = Y;
V = -sin(X);
x1 = linspace(min(x), max(x), 20);
y1 = linspace(min(y), max(y), 20);
[X1, Y1] = meshgrid(x1,y1);
streamline(X, Y, U, V, [X1], [Y1]);
daspect([1 1 1]);
clear; clc; close all; = axes ("position", [0.05 0.4 0.5 0.5]); #reduce plot windows size to accomodate sliders
function update_plot (obj, init = false)
## gcbo holds the handle of the control
h = guidata (obj);
replot = false;
recalc = false;
switch (gcbo) # If we make any change then we replot
case {h.print_pushbutton}
fn = uiputfile ("*.png");
print (fn);
case {h.slider1}
recalc = true;
if (recalc || init)
b = 0 + 1*get (h.slider1, "value");
set (h.label1, "string", sprintf ("b: %1f", b));
x = linspace(-12, 12, 30); y = linspace(-3, 3, 30);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
U = Y;
V = -sin(X)-b*Y;
x1 = linspace(min(x), max(x), 20);
y1 = linspace(min(y), max(y), 20);
[X1, Y1] = meshgrid(x1,y1);
streamline(X, Y, U, V, [X1], [Y1]);
daspect([1 1 1]);
set (h.plot, "ydata", y);
# specify the GUI plot properties like sliders and label formatting
## print figure
h.print_pushbutton = uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "print plot\n(pushbutton)",
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.6 0.45 0.35 0.09]);
## guess
h.label1 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Guess:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider1 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.05 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
set (gcf, "color", get(0, "defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor"))
guidata (gcf, h)
update_plot (gcf, true);
# Set default parameters for the plots
set(0, "defaultlinelinewidth", 5);
set (0, "defaulttextfontname", "TimesNewRoman")
set (0, "defaulttextfontsize", 20)
set (0, "DefaultAxesFontName", "TimesNewRoman")
set(0, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 20)
function y=mysys(x,t) # returns the RHS
y=([x(2), -0.25*x(2)-sin(x(1))]);
tspan = [0,10];
x0 = 0;
y0 = 5;
ics = [x0, y0];
f = @(x,t) mysys(x, t);
sol = lsode(f, ics, tspan);
tout = linspace(0, max(tspan), 100);
xout = sol(:,1);
yout = sol(:,2);
E = 1/2*yout.^2 - cos(xout);
plot(tout, xout, tout, yout);
We now focus our discussion to Limit Cycles
function y=mysys(r, t) # returns the RHS
y= ([r(1)*(1-r(1).^2), 1]);
x0 = 0;
y0 = 2;
r0 = (x0.^2 + y0.^2).^0.5; theta0 = atan2(y0, x0);
ics = [r0, theta0];
f = @(r,t) mysys(r, t);
sol = lsode(f, ics, tspan);
tout = linspace(0, max(tspan), 100);
rout = sol(:,1);
thetaout = sol(:,2);
xout = rout.*cos(thetaout); yout = rout.*sin(thetaout);
subplot (2, 1, 1);
plot(xout, yout);
daspect([1 1 1]);
plot(tout, xout, tout, yout);
clear; clc; close all; = axes ("position", [0.05 0.4 0.5 0.5]); #reduce plot windows size to accomodate sliders
function y=mysys(x, t, a) # returns the RHS
y= ([x(2), -x(1)-a*(x(1).^2-1)*x(2)]);
function update_plot (obj, init = false)
## gcbo holds the handle of the control
h = guidata (obj);
replot = false;
recalc = false;
switch (gcbo) # If we make any change then we replot
case {h.print_pushbutton}
fn = uiputfile ("*.png");
print (fn);
case {h.slider1}
recalc = true;
case {h.slider2}
recalc = true;
case {h.slider3}
recalc = true;
if (recalc || init)
x0 = -1.5+ 3*get (h.slider1, "value");
y0 = -1.5 + 3*get (h.slider2, "value");
a = -1.5 + 3*get (h.slider3, "value");
set (h.label1, "string", sprintf ("x0: %.1f", x0));
set (h.label2, "string", sprintf ("y0: %.1f", y0));
set (h.label3, "string", sprintf ("a: %.1f", a));
x = linspace(-4, 4, 14); y = linspace(-4, 4, 14);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
U = Y;
V = -X-a*(X.^2-1).*Y;
quiver(X, Y, U./(U.^2+V.^2).^0.5, V./(U.^2+V.^2).^0.5);
daspect([1 1 1]);
hold on;
ics = [x0, y0];
f = @(x,t) mysys(x, t, a);
sol = lsode(f, ics, tspan);
tout = linspace(0, max(tspan), 100);
xout = sol(:,1);
yout = sol(:,2);
hold off;
set (h.plot, "ydata", y);
# specify the GUI plot properties like sliders and label formatting
## print figure
h.print_pushbutton = uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "print plot\n(pushbutton)",
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.6 0.45 0.35 0.09]);
## guess
h.label1 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Guess:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider1 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.05 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
h.label2 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Iteration:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.15 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider2 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.5,
"position", [0.05 0.10 0.35 0.06]);
h.label3 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Guess:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.6 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider3 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.6 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
set (gcf, "color", get(0, "defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor"))
guidata (gcf, h)
update_plot (gcf, true);
clear; clc; close all; = axes ("position", [0.05 0.4 0.5 0.5]); #reduce plot windows size to accomodate sliders
function y=mysys(x, t, a) # returns the RHS
y= ([x(2), -x(1)-a*(x(1).^2-1)*x(2)]);
function update_plot (obj, init = false)
## gcbo holds the handle of the control
h = guidata (obj);
replot = false;
recalc = false;
switch (gcbo) # If we make any change then we replot
case {h.print_pushbutton}
fn = uiputfile ("*.png");
print (fn);
case {h.slider1}
recalc = true;
case {h.slider2}
recalc = true;
case {h.slider3}
recalc = true;
if (recalc || init)
x0 = -1.5+ 3*get (h.slider1, "value");
y0 = -1.5 + 3*get (h.slider2, "value");
a = -1.5 + 3*get (h.slider3, "value");
set (h.label1, "string", sprintf ("x0: %.1f", x0));
set (h.label2, "string", sprintf ("y0: %.1f", y0));
set (h.label3, "string", sprintf ("a: %.1f", a));
x = linspace(-4, 4, 14); y = linspace(-4, 4, 14);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
U = Y;
V = -X-a*(X.^2-1).*Y;
ics = [x0, y0];
f = @(x,t) mysys(x, t, a);
sol = lsode(f, ics, tspan);
tout = linspace(0, max(tspan), 100);
xout = sol(:,1);
yout = sol(:,2);
plot(tout, xout, tout, yout)
set (h.plot, "ydata", y);
# specify the GUI plot properties like sliders and label formatting
## print figure
h.print_pushbutton = uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "print plot\n(pushbutton)",
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.6 0.45 0.35 0.09]);
## guess
h.label1 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Guess:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider1 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.05 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
h.label2 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Iteration:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.15 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider2 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.5,
"position", [0.05 0.10 0.35 0.06]);
h.label3 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Guess:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.6 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider3 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.6 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
set (gcf, "color", get(0, "defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor"))
guidata (gcf, h)
update_plot (gcf, true);
clear; clc; close all; = axes ("position", [0.05 0.4 0.5 0.5]); #reduce plot windows size to accomodate sliders
function y=mysys(x, t, a, b) # returns the RHS
y= ([-x(1) + a*x(2) + x(1).^2.*x(2), b - a*x(2) - x(1).^2.*x(2)]);
function update_plot (obj, init = false)
## gcbo holds the handle of the control
h = guidata (obj);
replot = false;
recalc = false;
switch (gcbo) # If we make any change then we replot
case {h.slider1}
recalc = true;
case {h.slider2}
recalc = true;
case {h.slider3}
recalc = true;
case {h.slider4}
recalc = true;
if (recalc || init)
x0 = 0+ 1.5*get (h.slider1, "value");
y0 = 0 + 1.5*get (h.slider2, "value");
a = 0 + 0.2*get (h.slider3, "value");
b = 0 + 1.5*get (h.slider4, "value");
set (h.label1, "string", sprintf ("x0: %.1f", x0));
set (h.label2, "string", sprintf ("y0: %.1f", y0));
set (h.label3, "string", sprintf ("a: %1f", a));
set (h.label4, "string", sprintf ("b: %1f", b));
x = linspace(0, 4, 14); y = linspace(0, 4, 14);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
U = -X + a*Y + X.^2.*Y;
V = b - a*Y - X.^2.*Y;
ics = [x0, y0];
f = @(x,t) mysys(x, t, a, b);
sol = lsode(f, ics, tspan);
tout = linspace(0, max(tspan), 100);
xout = sol(:,1);
yout = sol(:,2);
quiver(X, Y, U./(U.^2+V.^2).^0.5, V./(U.^2+V.^2).^0.5);
xlim([0 2.5]);
daspect([1 1 1]);
hold on;
plot(xout, yout, x0, y0, 'ok',b, b/(a+b^2), 'sr');
hold off;
plot(tout, xout, tout, yout);
set (h.plot, "ydata", y);
# specify the GUI plot properties like sliders and label formatting
## guess
h.label1 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Guess:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider1 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.05 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
h.label2 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Iteration:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.15 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider2 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.5,
"position", [0.05 0.10 0.35 0.06]);
h.label3 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Guess:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.6 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider3 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.6 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
h.label4 = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Iteration:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.6 0.15 0.35 0.08]);
h.slider4 = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.5,
"position", [0.6 0.10 0.35 0.06]);
set (gcf, "color", get(0, "defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor"))
guidata (gcf, h)
update_plot (gcf, true);