and the number of points N
command. qt
toolkit for plotting.set(0, "defaultlinelinewidth", 2);
set (0, "defaulttextfontname", "TimesNewRoman")
set (0, "defaulttextfontsize", 20)
set (0, "DefaultAxesFontName", "TimesNewRoman")
set(0, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 20)
close all
clear h
graphics_toolkit qt
h.ax = axes ("position", [0.05 0.4 0.5 0.5]); #reduce plot windows size to accomodate sliders
function update_plot (obj, init = false)
## gcbo holds the handle of the control
h = guidata (obj);
replot = false;
recalc = false;
switch (gcbo) # If we make any change then we replot
case {h.print_pushbutton}
fn = uiputfile ("*.png");
print (fn);
case {h.freq_slider}
recalc = true;
case {h.iter_slider}
recalc = true;
if (recalc || init)
k = 0.1+ 9.9*get (h.freq_slider, "value"); # change the range of frequency slider
r = floor(20 + 180*get (h.iter_slider, "value")); # change the range of points slider
x = linspace(0, 2*pi*k, r);
# set the labels sliders
set (h.freq_label, "string", sprintf ("freq: %.1f", k));
set (h.iter_label, "string", sprintf ("Points: %d", r));
y = sin(x);
h.plot = plot(x, y);
guidata (obj, h);
set (h.plot, "ydata", y);
# specify the GUI plot properties like sliders and label formatting
## print figure
h.print_pushbutton = uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "print plot\n(pushbutton)",
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.6 0.45 0.35 0.09]);
## freq
h.freq_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "freq:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.freq_slider = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.05 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
h.iter_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Points:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.15 0.35 0.08]);
h.iter_slider = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.5,
"position", [0.05 0.10 0.35 0.06]);
set (gcf, "color", get(0, "defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor"))
guidata (gcf, h)
update_plot (gcf, true);
The plot should look like this:
clc; close all;
function y= fx(x)
y= log(3) + 2*log(x);
h.ax = axes ("position", [0.05 0.4 0.5 0.5]); #reduce plot windows size to accomodate sliders
h.fcn = @(x) fx(x);
function update_plot (obj, init = false)
## gcbo holds the handle of the control
h = guidata (obj);
replot = false;
recalc = false;
switch (gcbo) # If we make any change then we replot
case {h.print_pushbutton}
fn = uiputfile ("*.png");
print (fn);
case {h.guess_slider}
recalc = true;
case {h.iter_slider}
recalc = true;
if (recalc || init)
xg = 1+ 4*get (h.guess_slider, "value");
Niter = floor(1 + 20*get (h.iter_slider, "value"));
x = zeros(1,Niter);
set (h.guess_label, "string", sprintf ("Guess: %.1f", xg));
set (h.iter_label, "string", sprintf ("Niter: %d", Niter));
x(1) = xg;
for i=2:Niter+1
x(i) = h.fcn(x(i-1));
h.plot = plot(0:1:Niter, x);
guidata (obj, h);
set (h.plot, "ydata", y);
# specify the GUI plot properties like sliders and label formatting
## print figure
h.print_pushbutton = uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "print plot\n(pushbutton)",
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.6 0.45 0.35 0.09]);
## guess
h.guess_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Guess:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.guess_slider = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.05 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
h.iter_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Iteration:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.15 0.35 0.08]);
h.iter_slider = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.5,
"position", [0.05 0.10 0.35 0.06]);
set (gcf, "color", get(0, "defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor"))
guidata (gcf, h)
update_plot (gcf, true);
clear all;
function y= fx(x)
y= log(3) + 2*log(x);
h.ax = axes ("position", [0.05 0.4 0.5 0.5]); #reduce plot windows size to accomodate sliders
h.fcn = @(x) fx(x);
function update_plot (obj, init = false)
## gcbo holds the handle of the control
h = guidata (obj);
replot = false;
recalc = false;
switch (gcbo) # If we make any change then we replot
case {h.print_pushbutton}
fn = uiputfile ("*.png");
print (fn);
case {h.guess_slider}
recalc = true;
case {h.iter_slider}
recalc = true;
if (recalc || init)
x = linspace (0.3, 5);
xg = 1+ 4*get (h.guess_slider, "value");
Niter = floor(1 + 20*get (h.iter_slider, "value"));
set (h.guess_label, "string", sprintf ("Guess: %.1f", xg));
set (h.iter_label, "string", sprintf ("Niter: %d", Niter));
y = h.fcn (x);
h.plot = plot (x, y, "b");
hold on;
h.plot = plot(x, x, "r");
for i=1:Niter
xn = h.fcn(xg);
h.plot = plot(xg, h.fcn(xg), 'ok', markersize=2);
x2 = xn; y2 = x2;
h.plot = plot(x2, y2, 'ok', markersize=2 );
h.plot = plot([xg, x2], [h.fcn(xg), y2],'Color', 'black' );
h.plot = plot([x2, x2], [y2, h.fcn(x2)], 'Color','red' );
xg = xn;
guidata (obj, h);
hold off;
set (h.plot, "ydata", y);
# specify the GUI plot properties like sliders and label formatting
## print figure
h.print_pushbutton = uicontrol ("style", "pushbutton",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "print plot\n(pushbutton)",
"callback", @update_plot,
"position", [0.6 0.45 0.35 0.09]);
## guess
h.guess_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Guess:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.25 0.35 0.08]);
h.guess_slider = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.1,
"position", [0.05 0.20 0.35 0.06]);
h.iter_label = uicontrol ("style", "text",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "Iteration:",
"horizontalalignment", "left",
"position", [0.05 0.15 0.35 0.08]);
h.iter_slider = uicontrol ("style", "slider",
"units", "normalized",
"string", "slider",
"callback", @update_plot,
"value", 0.5,
"position", [0.05 0.10 0.35 0.06]);
set (gcf, "color", get(0, "defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor"));
guidata (gcf, h);
update_plot (gcf, true);